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Brussels Attacks


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Why is it every time Muslims commit murder, the first reaction of the political correctness do gooders is to defend Islam, then criticise the west, and then accuse anyone who criticises Islam of being extremist. Blowing people up is extreme. Criticising Islam for its violent ways is common sense. Close the borders would be common sense but we're not allowed to say that without you lot calling us racist, even though Islam isn't a race, it's a religion.


Yeah its much better to kill people from 2 miles up at Mach 2........

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the dirty dirty war that was northern ireland is also probably not the best example to compare this event with, what with the security forces having prior awareness that some were going to be committed yet allowed them for political gains

Any evidence for that Stinky? - there is a different issue - having a spy within an active service group, but allowing the spy to stay in place even as it planned and carried out atrocities to let the spy gain the trust of the group.


That is a tough call - a lot of intelligence is gathered in a way which makes in inadmissible in court, and just shooting the bastards was more difficult than many people pretend.


Most active service IRA members were known and knew they known - the Squaddies would make it clear they knew them by name when they met them on the streets - but getting the evidence to convict them wasn't easy.


We are back to the acceptable level of violence again - when should intelligence be blown and is it worth it if the only result is remand before the case is thrown out for lack of admissible evidence and they go back onto the street, this time into an intelligence black hole.

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Another arrest.


I will say I'm glad people are being arrested and so will face a trial.


If this was the US I think it would be highly likely they'd be killed - though maybe I'm being unfair - they were able to arrest a helpless and wounded Boston bomber without putting 100 rounds into him.

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I wonder if the meeting of 49 countries officials that they had in Brussels last month, of which included the discussions of a ground invasion into Syria will now prompt this discussion into action after yesterdays events.

I doubt it. The death toll by putting European boots on the ground would be far higher and to what end - providing ISIS Foreign Legionnaires and Royal Marines to shoot at wouldn't bring any strategic gains and would just complicate the mess.

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i have patrolled the streets of northern ireland with that imaginary target on my back. things seemed simpler then. catholics evil, proddies good . things arent always as they seem though.. heres one china, sorry no time at the mo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_and_Monaghan_bombings.

for one from each side try captain robert nairac's involvement in the miami showband killings or the security services collusion with the complete lunatic that was "stakeknife"

some of the things the shankill butchers did to innocent catholic civilians would put isis to shame

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