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Brussels Attacks


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the left handed gloves still puzzle me.

Clearly a reference to Michael Jackson, who started out doing the one-glove thing on the left, but also did it on the right.


They'll be moonwalking next.


Mohammed and MJ: both revered paedophiles.

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Some of you might have seen a rather stupid tweet that was widely ridiculed yesterday:


"I confronted a Muslim woman yesterday in Croydon. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said 'Nothing to do with me'. A mealy mouthed reply."


The bloke who tweeted it has been arrested for inciting racial hatred.




ETA - the rest of his twitter feed was pretty bad, but this is what prompted interest in him.

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whats with all the hashtag pray for brussels all over twitter? mostly from people who have probably never been near a church in their lives? why do they have to turn this into a religious thing

Many people are in touch with their spiritual side without ever supporting organised religion. Apathy to the church and hostility to its machinations does not necessarily discount religious belief.

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Comparisons to the actions of the IRA and UVF whilst understandable, are far from the mark. Many of the Irish terrorists were utter psychopaths and gangsters, they had no intention of walking blindly into hell by killing themselves in the act of murdering others.

Islamic terrorists have grown up in the belief and doctrine that to kill Christians, Shia/Sunni and Jews is honourable and will be rewarded. This is pure religious dogma which is taught in schools and mosques throughout the Islamic world to children from an early age.

Luckily most, whilst they may be sympathetic, don't act upon this indoctrination, but many, often highly intelligent young people either become involved or will have a leaning towards this kind of belief. This is not simply a family member who has extreme views airing them at home where kids can actually make their own decision on the rights and wrongs at some point, this is their religious leaders and teachers voicing the commands of the prophet!

The fact that young people can walk so calmly to their death, in the belief that they are doing God's work shows where the problem's root cause lies?

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The fact that young people can walk so calmly to their death, in the belief that they are doing God's work shows where the problem's root cause lies?

So all the young men, both British and German, who went over the top 1914-1918 were muslim?


Sorry but I don't think that's strictly true.

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The fact that young people can walk so calmly to their death, in the belief that they are doing God's work shows where the problem's root cause lies?

So all the young men, both British and German, who went over the top 1914-1918 were muslim?


Sorry but I don't think that's strictly true.


I wouldn't compare the two, the soldier going over the top was trying to stay alive, despite his sheer bravery, and would have taken steps to avoid being shot or hit if possible. These people, captured on film and security cameras, are fully resigned to their fate and seem to welcome it.

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On a more serious note I do wonder about the third character caught on cctv in Zaventem. I suspect, because I can't possibly know, that he was there to make sure the two Looney Tunes killed themselves as expected.

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On a more serious note I do wonder about the third character caught on cctv in Zaventem. I suspect, because I can't possibly know, that he was there to make sure the two Looney Tunes killed themselves as expected.

I did wonder the same, also if he had been the bomber in the Metro an hour later?

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