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Pakistan explosion leaves many dead at Lahore park


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"Je suis Pakistan" and imaginative artwork is all over the news and the net, and cobra are meeting as we speak...World leaders are planning a march of solidarity tomorrow, there will be a memorial service for the victims every year on this day from now on also, 2 minutes of silence at 12pm Pakistan time.

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You boys can take any atrocity, put it through the ideological mixer, and turn it into anti-West propaganda every time. You're less concerned by the act itself and who carried it out of course; just the West's media mirror on the world and root causes. That really takes some moral gymnastics but you seem to be the boys to do it. Well done lads.

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"Je suis Pakistan" and imaginative artwork is all over the news and the net, and cobra are meeting as we speak...World leaders are planning a march of solidarity tomorrow, there will be a memorial service for the victims every year on this day from now on also, 2 minutes of silence at 12pm Pakistan time.

On the other hand Lahore is a third world shit hole and it and Pakistan has been harbouring terrorists who perpetuate events in the West, including the sheltering of Bin Laden, for decades. Its also where a lot of the British Muslims slip in to before they end up fighting for ISIS in places like Syria or Iraq. It's hardly going to garner much global sympathy on that basis is it? That said on an individual level these deaths are obviously horrendous, and terribly sad, and there really is no end to all these terrorist acts in sight for most of the world. Every death is an appalling waste of life and it's hard to see how or when all of these events are going end.

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"Je suis Pakistan" and imaginative artwork is all over the news and the net, and cobra are meeting as we speak...World leaders are planning a march of solidarity tomorrow, there will be a memorial service for the victims every year on this day from now on also, 2 minutes of silence at 12pm Pakistan time.

On the other hand Lahore is a third world shit hole and it and Pakistan has been harbouring terrorists who perpetuate events in the West, including the sheltering of Bin Laden, for decades. Its also where a lot of the British Muslims slip in to before they end up fighting for ISIS in places like Syria or Iraq. It's hardly going to garner much global sympathy on that basis is it? That said on an individual level these deaths are obviously horrendous, and terribly sad, and there really is no end to all these terrorist acts in sight for most of the world. Every death is an appalling waste of life and it's hard to see how or when all of these events are going end.



Yes all those innocent people were complicate in terror attacks and the hiding of Bin Laden and should be punished for being born in the same country...

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You boys can take any atrocity, put it through the ideological mixer, and turn it into anti-West propaganda every time. You're less concerned by the act itself and who carried it out of course; just the West's media mirror on the world and root causes. That really takes some moral gymnastics but you seem to be the boys to do it. Well done lads.


It's not my fault the media seems to be focusing on "Muslim" terror attacks on Europeans/Americans...


It's almost as if they are trying to build an "us and them" mentality...


And some of you are gut full of the kool aid

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rmanx, does #doesntmatterbecauseitsnotyellowchinese explain the coverage in China, too?


rmanx and his inverted racist guilt.


Hmm comparing Western Media with the totalitarian Chinese state controlled media...


If there was an attack in China I would be upset, the same as all attacks on free and innocent people upsets me.


The fact the various medias around the world are a bit selective in rousing sympathy (and hate) and in how certain demographics are portrayed (white gunman = Muslim terrorist) is what is wrong with the world.

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"Je suis Pakistan" and imaginative artwork is all over the news and the net, and cobra are meeting as we speak...World leaders are planning a march of solidarity tomorrow, there will be a memorial service for the victims every year on this day from now on also, 2 minutes of silence at 12pm Pakistan time.


On the other hand Lahore is a third world shit hole and it and Pakistan has been harbouring terrorists who perpetuate events in the West, including the sheltering of Bin Laden, for decades. Its also where a lot of the British Muslims slip in to before they end up fighting for ISIS in places like Syria or Iraq. It's hardly going to garner much global sympathy on that basis is it? That said on an individual level these deaths are obviously horrendous, and terribly sad, and there really is no end to all these terrorist acts in sight for most of the world. Every death is an appalling waste of life and it's hard to see how or when all of these events are going end.

Yes all those innocent people were complicate in terror attacks and the hiding of Bin Laden and should be punished for being born in the same country...

Where did I say that? I said it's not likely to garner the same sympathy as Belgium from the West as Pakistan is viewed as a vast terrorists training camp. It also does act as a clearing house for British Muslims going to fight with ISIS. Not once did I say those innocent people were complicit in terror attacks or that their deaths are less important than anything that happened in Belgium. It's government stinks though and certainly assists global terror.

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