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Pakistan explosion leaves many dead at Lahore park


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To deliberately target women and children like this is beyond evil.


These deranged zealots are rotten to their very core.


I hope that they pay dearly.


Are you talking about the innocents killed in the terrorist bombings or the innocents killed by the "allies" bombing?



All innocents. Is there a difference?

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To deliberately target women and children like this is beyond evil.


These deranged zealots are rotten to their very core.


I hope that they pay dearly.


Are you talking about the innocents killed in the terrorist bombings or the innocents killed by the "allies" bombing?



All innocents. Is there a difference?



Not really. But to some brain deads on here (yes I am talking about you manxb&b) there is a difference because the ones far away deserve it for their countries "involvement"

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So we should show no remorse for all the innocents that have died because of nations actions?

Its okay BB those are far away brown people, no need for concern...I mean you should more concerned for all those closer to home non-brown people...

My god the lack of basic humanity of this forum is woeful and shameful.

How you draw those entirely illogical conclusions from my post is a complete mystery. Mind you do also have previous for logical fallacies.


The only point I thought I'd made was the completely different scenarii of:


1) A suicide bomber who is acutely aware of who he is about to kill along with himself (and by definition does it, ie kill, entirely innocent people on purpose)

2) (Equally) innocent victims of a bomb dropped from the sky where the instigator cannot see who is about to die.In fact there have been many cases in Syria where bombs have not been dropped just in case of it landing on an unintended soft target.


In the case of strategic military targets it has been know for the enemy to purposefully introduce civilians to then try and say it was actually a soft target so the likes of you can argue a completely fabricated point.



Rather than making entirely unfounded accusations on a forum you'd do us all a favour by thinking before letting rip. It was you that mentioned brown people in a far away land, nobody else....That said, making unwarranted accusations of another poster (who clearly does not agree with your post) based on f.all is a powerful forum arguing technique for those who manipulate discussion by abusing it.


Accusations based on comments of perceived racism are just about the most common example of such social media manipulation these days.

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All innocents. Is there a difference?

Well not if you are one of them.


However I think there is a real difference a logical mind when considering someone killed by a terrorist who chose the time of detonantion knowing exactly who was around and the innocents killed as unintended targets because they just happened to be there. The person dropping the bomb obviously can't know that in the same way as someone on the ground who would be completely aware..



2nd edit of the day for fat fingers having trouble with a small screen.

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it could be argued that they are both "following orders" , or claim to be

Well it could, at a real strech of imagination but I'd be surprised if you argued that paswt



Edit I feel like switching on the android auto spell check again. If only it didn't change complete words!

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it could be argued that they are both "following orders" , or claim to be .

And there is a very clear set of International agreements on war crimes which says that "following orders" doesn't remove the moral and legal accountability of the person carrying out those "orders" - which brings us back to the parity of motivations - now for the orders, rather than for the person carrying them out.


paswt, do you really think their is a moral parity between those who order suicide bombers to attack a park full of families enjoying a spring evening and the military planners in Syria and Iraq carrying out a military campaign under the laws of war?

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it could be argued that they are both "following orders" , or claim to be .

And there is a very clear set of International agreements on war crimes which says that "following orders" doesn't remove the moral and legal accountability of the person carrying out those "orders" - which brings us back to the parity of motivations - now for the orders, rather than for the person carrying them out.


paswt, do you really think their is a moral parity between those who order suicide bombers to attack a park full of families enjoying a spring evening and the military planners in Syria and Iraq carrying out a military campaign under the laws of war?

Is that the same set of international agreements on war crimes that prohibits the torturing of prisoners of war and of non-combatants?


What about the targeting of funerals by bombers?

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As ever with Gerry and his ilk they just assume and never actually check - in response to the attack in Pakistan and in sympathy towards its victims it was decided to not illuminate the Eiffel tower.


But don't let facts get in the way of fixed opinions driven via internet memes.

"Erdogan said that the challenge of terrorism calls for concerted collective efforts and said both Pakistan and Turkey need to work closely to counter the threat."


This from the guys whose country was buying stolen Syrian oil from ISIS, whose nation shot down a Russian jet out of Syrian airspace (who was there by invitation by the Syrian government) and whose country is one of the main transit route for ISIS operatives into Europe...

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it could be argued that they are both "following orders" , or claim to be .

And there is a very clear set of International agreements on war crimes which says that "following orders" doesn't remove the moral and legal accountability of the person carrying out those "orders" - which brings us back to the parity of motivations - now for the orders, rather than for the person carrying them out.


paswt, do you really think their is a moral parity between those who order suicide bombers to attack a park full of families enjoying a spring evening and the military planners in Syria and Iraq carrying out a military campaign under the laws of war?



I have said in previous posts that I think there is never acceptable for folk to blow up civilians .


The IRA tried to kill me when they left a bomb at Euston , way back .


As soon as one decides that there are degrees of acceptable morality then some folk/governments can justify anything .


On that basis governments claim that it is acceptable to bomb and civilian deaths are regarded as "collateral damage" and those in the military are then advised that they are acting lawfully under "International Law" and it's then all "tickety-boo".................... unless they end up being captured by the opposition or end up on the 'losing side'.


History has taught me not trust the word of a politician ,particularly in relation to actions taken in a "war situation " .


It does amuse me when folk see the UK and it's allies as the "good guys" and can't understand why "we"are not trusted, perhaps they should watch 'Lawrence of Arabia' .



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