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TATA Steel to close in Port Talbot ?

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It doesn't happen tomorrow though does it, education takes place over several generations - it wouldn't be easy I'll admit - I think the difference between us is that I don't see that as a reason to give up on something.


I take it this post is satire?

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The difficulty for the British Steel industry is that, unlike the likes of Germany and Italy, they pay a huge business rate and 80% more for energy. On the continent, governments protect their industries and don't rape them causing post industrial human waste. This sometimes flies in the face of EU directives but hey-ho.

The Chinese have been buying scrap from all around the world to feed their electric arc furnaces, much cheaper to run that our Blast furnaces which convert ore.


The steel industry is the basis of most manufacturing, we have gone from being the world's largest producer to a minnow due to government and business mismanagement of our industrial heritage. China has produced more steel in two years than Britain has in all the time since the industrial revolution.

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Mate of mine went to university with a Chinese lad whose father was a member of the government in China. He ended up working with him setting up an operation exporting old steel railway sleepers from across Africa to China by the shipload for years. It's not what you know it's who you know.

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Mate of mine went to university with a Chinese lad whose father was a member of the government in China. He ended up working with him setting up an operation exporting old steel railway sleepers from across Africa to China by the shipload for years. It's not what you know it's who you know.

I thought Hu was the health minister? Or is that Wong? It's not just Hu you know in China it can be Wen too.
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