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Ronan would be good at explaining to tv, he would really confuse them nasty tv reporters, his last speech on farming was mind boggling, every two or three words he said " You Know " those are the key words to bore the media.

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External Relations Team

The External Relations team is as follows:

  • Della Fletcher, Executive Director External Relations
  • Richard Slee, Head of External Relations Team
  • Anne Shimmin, External Relations Manager Policy & Legislation
  • Clair Barks, External Relations Policy Manger
  • Rachael Huxley and Sara Jones, External Relations Executive Officers
  • Carlos Phillips, External Relations Executive Officer.
  • Tess Joughin, External Relations Officer
  • Jack Doyle, External Relations Officer

The Communications Unit also falls within the External Relations Division and this consists of:

  • Carol Hunter, Head of Communications;
  • Alistair Ramsay, Communications Executive;
  • Richard Parslow, Communications Executive;
  • Jo Overty, Communications Executive;
  • Jonathan Davies, Communications Executive
  • Gill Nicholls, Communications Officer



Nobody authorised to speak?

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I'd rather full independence than kowtow to England.

I respect the sentiment as sincerely held although totally impractical. But don't look upon the finance centre as a strong assertion of Manx independence. Quite the opposite. If anything is a statement of British sovereignty in the islands this is it.

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I'd rather full independence than kowtow to England.


I respect the sentiment as sincerely held although totally impractical. But don't look upon the finance centre as a strong assertion of Manx independence. Quite the opposite. If anything is a statement of British sovereignty in the islands this is it.

I disagree. Look at the VAT agreement more than the finance sector. It's not commerce that's tying us to the UK.

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I'd rather full independence than kowtow to England.

I respect the sentiment as sincerely held although totally impractical.
How very British - the planet is littered with examples of its practicality but best keep a stiff upper lip old boy and reassure the latest upstart colony that they'll never make it without blighty what!
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External Relations Team

The External Relations team is as follows:



  • Della Fletcher, Executive Director External Relations
  • Richard Slee, Head of External Relations Team
  • Anne Shimmin, External Relations Manager Policy & Legislation
  • Clair Barks, External Relations Policy Manger
  • Rachael Huxley and Sara Jones, External Relations Executive Officers
  • Carlos Phillips, External Relations Executive Officer.
  • Tess Joughin, External Relations Officer
  • Jack Doyle, External Relations Officer
The Communications Unit also falls within the External Relations Division and this consists of:

  • Carol Hunter, Head of Communications;
  • Alistair Ramsay, Communications Executive;
  • Richard Parslow, Communications Executive;
  • Jo Overty, Communications Executive;
  • Jonathan Davies, Communications Executive
  • Gill Nicholls, Communications Officer


Nobody authorised to speak?

And they are all desperately needed and work all the hours God sent.


Errr.... I'm telling you - we have Pixies at the bottom of our garden!

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I'd rather full independence than kowtow to England.

I respect the sentiment as sincerely held although totally impractical.
How very British - the planet is littered with examples of its practicality but best keep a stiff upper lip old boy and reassure the latest upstart colony that they'll never make it without blighty what!


I'm glad you agree.. I thought you would.


Britain goes, the finance centre goes. Hurrah! I hear you say. And I might well agree. We could get down to living on a lovely peaceful island with less people and hassle, and start to enjoy the finer things in life. No pesky 15,000 new households to pay our leaders' pensions. However, what would those less fortunate than us do for work? Some of those other places littered around the planet are major nations in their own right now. We are a tiny island. What do we do for a living?

Edited by woolley
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External Relations Team

The Communications Unit also falls within the External Relations Division

Nobody authorised to speak?


Well at least someone follows my links. It was the very large number of very well-paid 'experts' that I was thinking mainly of. 15 not 14 in fact just in that one division - under Bell the numbers carrying out such roles has grown considerably. Even if they aren't acting as spokespeople they should be briefing the politicians who are, spinning the news, putting out press releases, keeping up with the news liaising with other jurisdictions, getting the Finance Sector to put up people.


As to the politicians, if they're not doing anything and are incapable of it, why have so many? The reason of course is (a) the DED has the best jollies and (b) CoMin + DED numbers mean you have an automatic 12 votes to get anything through the Keys, no matter how blatantly witless.

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I'd rather full independence than kowtow to England.

I respect the sentiment as sincerely held although totally impractical. But don't look upon the finance centre as a strong assertion of Manx independence. Quite the opposite. If anything is a statement of British sovereignty in the islands this is it.

I disagree. Look at the VAT agreement more than the finance sector. It's not commerce that's tying us to the UK.


What has the VAT agreement to do with it? It's supposed to be revenue neutral nowadays isn't it?

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Barrie: So the super-rich Greek shipping magnates paid indirectly for your upbringing and education. I have to ask you mate: Where did it all go wrong ?

You don't get to be a top class bog cleaner without some decent money behind you

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External Relations Team

The External Relations team is as follows:

  • Della Fletcher, Executive Director External Relations
  • Richard Slee, Head of External Relations Team
  • Anne Shimmin, External Relations Manager Policy & Legislation
  • Clair Barks, External Relations Policy Manger
  • Rachael Huxley and Sara Jones, External Relations Executive Officers
  • Carlos Phillips, External Relations Executive Officer.
  • Tess Joughin, External Relations Officer
  • Jack Doyle, External Relations Officer

The Communications Unit also falls within the External Relations Division and this consists of:

  • Carol Hunter, Head of Communications;
  • Alistair Ramsay, Communications Executive;
  • Richard Parslow, Communications Executive;
  • Jo Overty, Communications Executive;
  • Jonathan Davies, Communications Executive
  • Gill Nicholls, Communications Officer


Nobody authorised to speak?

A pound to a pinch of rocking horse shit says that you could delete half the names from that list and it wouldn't make a fig of difference to Govt. communications.


I suspect that most posters on MF hail from the private sector. Contrast their sense of urgency with the sloth being exhibited by Govt. public sector in this matter...even compared to the CIs. Laughable.

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I love government job titles. I think there must be a team that just thinks them up. Here are a couple of current ads. Financial Intelligence!!w00t.gif


Assistant Tree Officer - Limited Term (2 years)

We are looking for a highly motivated, suitably qualified and enthusiastic person to work with our Arboriculture Team based in the Department's Forestry, Amenity and Lands Directorate as an Assistant Tree Officer. This is an ideal opportunity for someone with a proven track record in the arboricultural or forestry industry looking to gain wider experience and contribute to the development of services at a time of considerable change.

Director of Financial Intelligence Unit

We are seeking a strong leader who is qualified to the highest professional level and is suitably experienced in a relevant legal, financial or intelligence discipline and can develop this newly created unit to achieve a world class standard of effectiveness in their field.

Salary: £79,537 to £99,317


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