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I love government job titles. I think there must be a team that just thinks them up. Here are a couple of current ads. Financial Intelligence!!w00t.gif


Assistant Tree Officer - Limited Term (2 years)

We are looking for a highly motivated, suitably qualified and enthusiastic person to work with our Arboriculture Team based in the Department's Forestry, Amenity and Lands Directorate as an Assistant Tree Officer. This is an ideal opportunity for someone with a proven track record in the arboricultural or forestry industry looking to gain wider experience and contribute to the development of services at a time of considerable change.

Director of Financial Intelligence Unit

We are seeking a strong leader who is qualified to the highest professional level and is suitably experienced in a relevant legal, financial or intelligence discipline and can develop this newly created unit to achieve a world class standard of effectiveness in their field.

Salary: £79,537 to £99,317



So are they disbanding the current financial crime unit then?


Good point. Looked it up and found this:




And this:



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The Financial Intelligence Unit actually appears to be a sub-set of Financial Crimes Unit, rather than a replacement:


Financial Intelligence Unit
The Financial Intelligence Unit is the reception point for financial disclosures (Suspicious Activity Reports) from financial service businesses. Such reports are vital to the regulatory process and can be the catalyst for a substantial criminal enquiry either locally or in another jurisdiction. Isle of Man legislation enables us to disseminate information to our partners and we have a small number of Memorandums of Understanding with other agencies that also facilitate that process. Education packages and training have been offered to the staff of the finance sector to aid identification of suspicious activity and other crime.



Though it's difficult to see how its activities differ much from those in the rest of the FCU. Presumably it's felt that without a complicated internal hierarchy it will be unable to operate to the standards of the rest of the Manx Civil Service.


The Tree Officer post is a temporary one and I would assume that it is related to the need to fell trees affected with Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum), though on the Island it is mainly the plantations of Japanese Larch that are affected. There will need to be replanting as well, so that may be involved.


(Actually I think 'Tree Officer' is amazingly straightforward for the Civil Service. They'd normally advertise for an Arboricultural Interaction Consultant at three times the price).

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It looks like an international quango or a club you belong to for "best practice". No doubt more expensive than what went before but hey, we're a first division jurisdiction so we have to keep up standards and there are some nice jobs for the boys. One wonders what has happened to the person who was (presumably) performing this function under the old regime.

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I love government job titles. I think there must be a team that just thinks them up. Here are a couple of current ads. Financial Intelligence!!w00t.gif

Assistant Tree Officer - Limited Term (2 years)


We are looking for a highly motivated, suitably qualified and enthusiastic person to work with our Arboriculture Team based in the Department's Forestry, Amenity and Lands Directorate as an Assistant Tree Officer. This is an ideal opportunity for someone with a proven track record in the arboricultural or forestry industry looking to gain wider experience and contribute to the development of services at a time of considerable change. Director of Financial Intelligence Unit


We are seeking a strong leader who is qualified to the highest professional level and is suitably experienced in a relevant legal, financial or intelligence discipline and can develop this newly created unit to achieve a world class standard of effectiveness in their field.

Salary: £79,537 to £99,317


Wasting money yet again. Still those reserves will be spent in no time


I don't think you can level that accusation unless you understand the current set up.

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Love the constant use of 'World Class' in the job descriptions. I remember seeing that about the senior health position and then they recruited Mark Charters, clearly a man for whom world class might be appropriate in another context.

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As i said earlier in the thread the world is full of tax avoidance that is completely agreed on by most nations.


The fact of the matter is that countries like the UK cannot operate by dictating to very wealthy people, huge companies and employers what they will and won't do. It isn't good business for anyone.


The problem we have here is that it started out as people hiding money to evade taxation or taxation in interest earned. That is illegal and wrong. Steps were taken a long time ago to (especially in relation to the UK's relationship with the likes of the Crown Dependencies) to extinguish that. And that really isn't a big issue to the UK anymore and in reality wasn't that huge anyway. They'll have been disappointed with the results which is why you never hear anything about it.


So instead a small band of people start banging on, not about evasion, but about perfectly legal and legitimate avoidance that the UK government encourages and indeed supports.

And now Cameron et al are in a really tricky spot. If anything offshore finance centres (which is actually what the Isle of Man is) could well find this a watershed moment from a positive perspective. The world needs offshore finance centres. So what is it better to be? A relatively transparent one or Panama?

There will no doubt be the odd issue arising for the IOM out of this. There are 11.5m documents.


But it puts the government in a really tricky place because they are going to have to defend huge portions of it all. It's going to get interesting.

Why does the world need offshore finance centres?


It needs them because you have multinational companies doing business all round the world. It needs them because the fact remains that people need a safe haven for their assets.


I see the Isle of Man barely gets a mention. According to the IOM today article - "British Virgin Islands is named more than 113,000 times in the leaked documents from Mossack Fonseca, the Bahamas more than 15,000 times and Aguilla more than 3,000. Jersey has 39 mentions and the Isle of Man just eight, while the UK is named 148 times."




If anything I expect the IOM and Channel Islands to come out of this relatively unscathed. In actual fact it could be a real plus point for the island because it will demostrate worldwide that the island is a place with high standards. Going forward when clients need to structure arrangements (perfectly legitimate ones) do you think they are going to go to these countries getting all the potential negative publicity?


That wanker Murphy must be gutted at the moment. whatever.gif


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Love the constant use of 'World Class' in the job descriptions. I remember seeing that about the senior health position and then they recruited Mark Charters, clearly a man for whom world class might be appropriate in another context.


And don't forget "strategic".... there always has to be a "strategic" in there somewhere. Without it we would be rudderless and drifting....

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If anything I expect the IOM and Channel Islands to come out of this relatively unscathed. In actual fact it could be a real plus point for the island because it will demostrate worldwide that the island is a place with high standards. Going forward when clients need to structure arrangements (perfectly legitimate ones) do you think they are going to go to these countries getting all the potential negative publicity?


I don't so I think the timing is highly suspicious here. I would expect more pressure for a public register of beneficial owners and a raft of other measures as we are made to prove, again, that we are really the good guys here. Once that sort of register happens then a lot of businesses might as well pack up as it's never going to be properly understood why certain people do not want to appear on these registers and lists; which usually has nothing to do with tax or nefarious activities. Ironically more often than not it's to do with how people like Putin and other autocrats who have been exposed in this particular instance, and the malicious states some of them operate, might use that information were it forced to be in the public domain.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Murphy call for direct rule of British Territories!




Okay you pair, you are now responsible for Health, Education, Infrastructure, law and order, housing, benefits and social care, jobs and employment for an additional 85,000 people living in a very remote part of the British Isles. What will that lot cost you?


Very interesting to note that the UK seems to be named in 148 instances in the leaked documents, the Isle of Man, just eight!

Edited by Max Power
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Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Murphy call for direct rule of British Territories!




Okay you pair, you are now responsible for Health, Education, Infrastructure, law and order, housing, benefits and social care, jobs and employment for an additional 85,000 people living in a very remote part of the British Isles. What will that lot cost you?


Very interesting to note that the UK seems to be named in 148 instances in the leaked documents, the Isle of Man, just eight!


Cost? Nothing, you'll pay for the administration via your taxes, just as you do at the moment.


BTW - the IOM is not remote. Hard to get to at times admittedly, but far from remote.

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Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Murphy call for direct rule of British Territories!




Okay you pair, you are now responsible for Health, Education, Infrastructure, law and order, housing, benefits and social care, jobs and employment for an additional 85,000 people living in a very remote part of the British Isles. What will that lot cost you?


Very interesting to note that the UK seems to be named in 148 instances in the leaked documents, the Isle of Man, just eight!


Cost? Nothing, you'll pay for the administration via your taxes, just as you do at the moment.


BTW - the IOM is not remote. Hard to get to at times admittedly, but far from remote.



You can't tax what isn't there. If they get what they want then the businesses disappear, so do the jobs and then they'll get a big bill to subsidise 85,000 people. The brains in Whitehall know this so they'll let the idiots spout their hot air and remain in socialist dreamland while the real world carries on.

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