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Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Murphy call for direct rule of British Territories!




Okay you pair, you are now responsible for Health, Education, Infrastructure, law and order, housing, benefits and social care, jobs and employment for an additional 85,000 people living in a very remote part of the British Isles. What will that lot cost you?


Very interesting to note that the UK seems to be named in 148 instances in the leaked documents, the Isle of Man, just eight!


Cost? Nothing, you'll pay for the administration via your taxes, just as you do at the moment.


BTW - the IOM is not remote. Hard to get to at times admittedly, but far from remote.



You can't tax what isn't there. If they get what they want then the businesses disappear, so do the jobs and then they'll get a big bill to subsidise 85,000 people. The brains in Whitehall know this so they'll let the idiots spout their hot air and remain in socialist dreamland while the real world carries on.


That is the point I was making, as the population shrinks, tax income goes with it. We still need an infrastructure.


The island is incredibly remote compared to the IoW, Anglesey and even the Isle of Skye when it comes to providing services and infrastructure.

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The SNP have made no secret of the fact that they are seriously considering basing their economy on a low tax economy but with socialist principles (does that sound familiar?). So it will only be a matter of time before they will be in the club.


No, where do you mean.


I wish the Island would follow that principal!


Of course the Island has a classic socialist regime - some are more equal than others and the rest pay for it.

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To be fair who cares what Corbyn says?


It's a bit like caring about what Milliband was saying. No one gives a fuck because you won't ever see power. It's empty talk from an opposition struggling for seat at the table.

True, but politics these days seems to be led by populist sound bites. We only need a desperate Cameron to latch on to what he is saying.

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To be fair who cares what Corbyn says?


It's a bit like caring about what Milliband was saying. No one gives a fuck because you won't ever see power. It's empty talk from an opposition struggling for seat at the table.



The longer Labour is out of power, the more aggressive they will be when they do finally get in. Which is, ultimately, inevitable.


Like it or not, and however misguided or wrong they are, many people even in the mainstream were already very sceptical about all things 'offshore'. Especially given that so many, even educated metropolitan professionals, are struggling to afford housing.


The IOM has no sustainable future as a place which sets itself apart from the mainstream.

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To be fair who cares what Corbyn says?


It's a bit like caring about what Milliband was saying. No one gives a fuck because you won't ever see power. It's empty talk from an opposition struggling for seat at the table.


I came here to say the exact same thing. I prefer the Conservative party but I believe in balance, and Corbyn is just destroying Labour, it's embarrassing.

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Okay you pair, you are now responsible for Health, Education, Infrastructure, law and order, housing, benefits and social care, jobs and employment for an additional 85,000 people living in a very remote part of the British Isles. What will that lot cost you?

Almost 250K worked in the British coal industry in 1980.

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To be fair who cares what Corbyn says?


It's a bit like caring about what Milliband was saying. No one gives a fuck because you won't ever see power. It's empty talk from an opposition struggling for seat at the table.



The longer Labour is out of power, the more aggressive they will be when they do finally get in. Which is, ultimately, inevitable.


You are ignoring the lessons of history. Labour was turfed out in 1979 on the back of the winter of discontent. Then there was the Militant Tendency infiltration and Michael Foot's leadership which made them utterly unelectable. There were the usual voices of "we're not left wing enough", just as we have heard recently and the decline continued. Kinnock did a lot of the spadework to drag the rabble back from the abyss, but they were still rejected in 1992 in favour of Major. Only when Blair came along and turned them into Tory-lite was a majority prepared to back them. It will be a similar story this time. Britain is fundamentally a right wing country. It cannot be governed from the far left.

Edited by woolley
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To be fair who cares what Corbyn says?


It's a bit like caring about what Milliband was saying. No one gives a fuck because you won't ever see power. It's empty talk from an opposition struggling for seat at the table.


I came here to say the exact same thing. I prefer the Conservative party but I believe in balance, and Corbyn is just destroying Labour, it's embarrassing.


Under Milliband and Corbyn Labour remind me of the Thatcher years. Labour had completely unelectable leaders and the last clown and this clown are no different.

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