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On the plus side this makes us look slightly better over things like KSFIOM




These are claims he ensured creditors of Icelandic Banks weren't repaid as if the banks did so the bonds he secretly owned in those banks would be worthless.


Can't see him lasting the week myself.


There's a rather amusing video on the Guardian showing Gunnlaugsson doing a runner from an interview when they start asking him awkward questions. I'd think from the facts in the case that he might be able blag it, but the way he reacts suggest a lot more to come out.


Amusingly the runaway leader in the current Icelandic opinion polls is the Pirate Party.

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I have passed by the MF office on Hill Street many times and wondered why they were here. It is not a big office from the looks of it, so I guess it is just a rep office. I have never had any dealings with them. Have to say though, the natural inclination is to avoid Panamanian companies. However, any managed from here will be subject to the normal regulatory requirements of know your client, etc.

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I have passed by the MF office on Hill Street many times and wondered why they were here. It is not a big office from the looks of it, so I guess it is just a rep office. I have never had any dealings with them. Have to say though, the natural inclination is to avoid Panamanian companies. However, any managed from here will be subject to the normal regulatory requirements of know your client, etc.

It's a tiny rep office in a crappy building on Hill St, before that they had an even worse office in Hope St I think.

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However, any managed from here will be subject to the normal regulatory requirements of know your client, etc.


Ooooh, right. Everything should be fine and dandy then! :rolleyes:

I'm not saying everything will be ticketeyboo, but a Panamanian company run by a CSP here will be subject to the same regulation as an IOM company, BVI company, UK company, Irish company (I could list more), also run from here.
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I have passed by the MF (whoever) office on Hill (whatever) Street many times and wondered why they were here. It is not a big office from the looks of it, so I guess it is just a rep office. I have never had any dealings with them. Have to say though, the natural inclination is to avoid Panamanian (wherever) companies. However, any managed from here will be subject to the normal regulatory requirements of know your client, etc.

I can see this being a popular "line to take" among politicians of the future.

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I have passed by the MF office on Hill Street many times and wondered why they were here. It is not a big office from the looks of it, so I guess it is just a rep office. I have never had any dealings with them. Have to say though, the natural inclination is to avoid Panamanian companies. However, any managed from here will be subject to the normal regulatory requirements of know your client, etc.

It's a tiny rep office in a crappy building on Hill St, before that they had an even worse office in Hope St I think.


It is about as tiny as you can get.

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