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Not a tax haven.


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I've always thought Portillo would make a great figure head for any party.

He utterly embarrassed himself and upset the military with that weird speech about sending in the SAS. His humility today is probably partly in reaction to that time. He seems genuinely nice but has admitted himself that:


"My name is now synonymous with eating a bucketload of shit in public."

- The Independent

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Back in the 1980's I couldn't look at Portillo on the T.V. without wanting to punch him. Now he's mellowed and grown up (or is it me ?) I find myself agreeing with him on most things. I suspect he's still got that arrogance but he keeps it well hidden these days. His railway programmes are one of the best things on T.V.

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Back in the 1980's I couldn't look at Portillo on the T.V. without wanting to punch him. Now he's mellowed and grown up (or is it me ?) I find myself agreeing with him on most things. I suspect he's still got that arrogance but he keeps it well hidden these days. His railway programmes are one of the best things on T.V.

The silly jackets are weird though. They seem a rather pointless affectation. I'm surprised he doesn't wear a bow tie as well or a funny hat.

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I do like his railway programmes. I never thought I'd find him a role model but I imagine it would be so cool to be travelling Europe by train, casually stopping off to enjoy pastries in Austrian villages, dressed only in a fluorescent fannel suit and carrying only an old book.


But it turns out you have to carry your own luggage, French railway staff are rude and Spanish railway stations are chaotic.

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This is turning into a nice farce. The icing on the cake is Bernie Moffatts attack on Corbyn for threatening to take us over if we can't control our finance sector. Nice to see such a sad irrelevant old trot (that's Moffatt not Corbyn) defending the Manx Finance sector so vociferously. Priceless. Two sad old Marxists slugging it out over our apparent right to continue to make money at the UKs expense. it's funny how the left wing turn when there's a few quid in it for them. How's the new build coming on Bernie? Welcome to Thatchers IOM.

Edited by oldmanxfella
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The worst to me is Pat Ayres


Is he one of those colonial types?


Surely if you were Manx and interested in Manx politics and potential Manx independence on fiscal matters you would not believe that just because we bung the UK a few quid for protection each year that we have to roll over and accept what people like Chairman Jeremy says? We are an independent nation, like it or not.


How can Liberal Vannin endorse this colonialist Colonel Blimp?


Edited by GaryPotter
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I admire Jeremy Corbyn, I like his politics and I think he is good for the UK. I also have a lot of sympathy for his opinions on tax havens & why he mentioned them being taken under direct rule.

As a proud Manx man I would also like to see the island move away from what I see as its over reliance on tax dodging, e gambling and other similarly dodgy sectors. I would also like the island to move toward far greater independence. Neither are remotely likely to happen with the status quo, so as far as I can see Corbyn's plans are more likely to further both causes, good luck to him.

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We are an independent nation, like it or not.


No we're not and we never have been - at least in recorded history. The Isle of Man has been under the English/British Crown since at least 1400, but even in the time of the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles, it was nominally under Norwegian control. When English noble called themselves King or Lord of Mann, that was clearly as bestowed by the Crown and the Crown could (and did) take it away.

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Corbyn has less chance of being British Prime Minister than Mickey Mouse.


Well possibly. But a year ago you would have said the same thing about him becoming Leader of the Labour Party.

Yeah...but look at the competition he had, and an easily abused sign up to vote scheme.
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He only said "if" we don't comply with the UK's tax requirements. Hasn't that been the implied position for years?


And there's a simple response, unless our government are lying. "We do comply. There's no safe haven in the Isle of Man for people looking to avoid UK tax."

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