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Not a tax haven.


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you be certain the Guardian have been told to provide some balance by the powers that be.

That's a bit tin-foil-hat TBH.

It's not that far fetched. There is a reasonable rumour that the journalists have been leaned on and that some further info that was expected to be out in the public domain by now has been held back. It's been suggested that few want to make themselves a target by publishing the further secrets of some of the nastiest and most vindictive people on the planet.

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As I said the other day this should be positive for the island.

And you be certain the Guardian have been told to provide some balance by the powers that be.

Mr Bell is a Guardian reader.

Is that some sort of euphemism?


No he has referred to reading the Guardian in the past.

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As I said the other day this should be positive for the island.

And you be certain the Guardian have been told to provide some balance by the powers that be.


Mr Bell is a Guardian reader.

Is that some sort of euphemism?

No he has referred to reading the Guardian in the past.

You seem to refer to this fact as indicating that Bell has some form of illness. He will only be checking on the Guardian after his daily fix of The Mail and that Tory Rag and classy newspaper The Sun. Mr Bell is well known for his love of balance. Not.

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Tax avoidance is not immoral. It's logical and legal.


And anyone would do it given the chance.


And now he starts to realise...


Go on....you're almost there...


Let's all get a violin out for those who can't do it. <sigh>



And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".


And people wonder why the "common man" are a bit pissed at people with the same attitude of Notwell - I bet you cheated at Monopoly a lot as a kid.

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you be certain the Guardian have been told to provide some balance by the powers that be.

That's a bit tin-foil-hat TBH.



Not really. The powers-that-be in this case are Guardian Media Group, who would like to deflect attention from their Cayman Island-based accounts.

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Tax avoidance is not immoral. It's logical and legal.And anyone would do it given the chance.


And now he starts to realise...


Go on....you're almost there...

Let's all get a violin out for those who can't do it. <sigh>

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".


And people wonder why the "common man" are a bit pissed at people with the same attitude of Notwell - I bet you cheated at Monopoly a lot as a kid.

Do they play Monopoly in Tory classrooms ? . Of course they do it's all about having more than one property . Then when they have their 3 or 4 ' renovated barns in the countryside ' they complain that there is a huge need to build more houses. Thereby moving the commoners out of the villages they were born in and freeing up yet more lovely pads for the privalidged. Can't wait for his answer, somewhere along the lines of ' you are lucky to have a house, and it's worth £ 50 a week of your minimum wage to live on the Island you were born on. Stop griping and get back to your Kipper Smoking, and after you've finished, brush the cave '

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Tax avoidance is not immoral. It's logical and legal.And anyone would do it given the chance.

And now he starts to realise...


Go on....you're almost there...

Let's all get a violin out for those who can't do it. <sigh>

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".


And people wonder why the "common man" are a bit pissed at people with the same attitude of Notwell - I bet you cheated at Monopoly a lot as a kid.

Do they play Monopoly in Tory classrooms ? . Of course they do it's all about having more than one property . Then when they have their 3 or 4 ' renovated barns in the countryside ' they complain that there is a huge need to build more houses. Thereby moving the commoners out of the villages they were born in and freeing up yet more lovely pads for the privalidged. Can't wait for his answer, somewhere along the lines of ' you are lucky to have a house, and it's worth £ 50 a week of your minimum wage to live on the Island you were born on. Stop griping and get back to your Kipper Smoking, and after you've finished, brush the cave '



Behave. Just because someone has a balanced view of the world doesn't mean they're any more privileged than you or I.

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Tax avoidance is not immoral. It's logical and legal.And anyone would do it given the chance.


And now he starts to realise...


Go on....you're almost there...

Let's all get a violin out for those who can't do it. <sigh>

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".


And people wonder why the "common man" are a bit pissed at people with the same attitude of Notwell - I bet you cheated at Monopoly a lot as a kid.

Do they play Monopoly in Tory classrooms ? . Of course they do it's all about having more than one property . Then when they have their 3 or 4 ' renovated barns in the countryside ' they complain that there is a huge need to build more houses. Thereby moving the commoners out of the villages they were born in and freeing up yet more lovely pads for the privalidged. Can't wait for his answer, somewhere along the lines of ' you are lucky to have a house, and it's worth £ 50 a week of your minimum wage to live on the Island you were born on. Stop griping and get back to your Kipper Smoking, and after you've finished, brush the cave '

Behave. Just because someone has a balanced view of the world doesn't mean they're any more privileged than you or I.

You are I assume suggesting that Right Wing fanatics have a ' balanced ' view of the World and it's finances. Well that's a new angle that many will be pleased to hear. All is not lost

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