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Not a tax haven.


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Nothing posted above alters the fact that parliament is sovereign. Such sovereignty as has been pooled within the EU is obviously contingent on EU membership. Once parliament enacts its will to cancel membership it will trigger negotiations leading to the withdrawal of the UK upon which all of those arrangements will fall. Where EU legislation trumps UK legislation, this is only possible because parliament has consented to that state of affairs. Such consent can be withdrawn in exactly the same way.


If there was any doubt about the ability of parliament to withdraw the UK from the EU, I am quite sure that wide publicity of this contention would be the greatest recruitment tool that the Brexit side could possibly have. Think it through. UK says "We quit." EU says "Sorry, you can't" Don't think so.

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"offshore" is too often bandied around to deflect attention.

That wet stuff in between the UK and the 'adjacent continent' is a giveaway.

That is our eternal dilemma. We are most certainly off the shores of the UK and that won't change until probably the next ice age.

We could build a bridge if some company donates the money for it from the taxes they are saving ( avoiding ) by being here. , but there again that would connect us directly to the adjacent Isle and make us liable to their taxes . So that's a non starter boys, back to the Board Room , let's have a meeting, we must be able to find something to talk about. How about Tax and those utter shits in Panama, should keep their beaks out of other peoples ( Tax ) affaires .

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Nothing posted above alters the fact that parliament is sovereign. Such sovereignty as has been pooled within the EU is obviously contingent on EU membership. Once parliament enacts its will to cancel membership it will trigger negotiations leading to the withdrawal of the UK upon which all of those arrangements will fall. Where EU legislation trumps UK legislation, this is only possible because parliament has consented to that state of affairs. Such consent can be withdrawn in exactly the same way.


If there was any doubt about the ability of parliament to withdraw the UK from the EU, I am quite sure that wide publicity of this contention would be the greatest recruitment tool that the Brexit side could possibly have. Think it through. UK says "We quit." EU says "Sorry, you can't" Don't think so.

You really are startlingly clever aren't you ? Bet your a bundle of fun down the Pub. Will a word you say have a dust speck of effect on anything that remotely interests any of us. Well yes probably money, the English religion

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Manxie 44...The IOM is a different jurisdiction anyway and nothing to do with being an Island...It owes its status as a place that has an ancient history and which held on to its Tynwald and thus constitutionally the tax and spend rights it has today..You can't be taxed by the UK if you are not part of that union which you are not and a tunnel or bridge will not change that.


As I said before I don't think the people over there realise just how much devolution is changing the UK and that includes taxation witness even the move into semi-autonomous regional government in England to be run by elected mayors who will also have powers over their economy.....Also, the Isle of Wight is an Island but has UK taxes.


For you to be taxed by the UK you would need MPs in Westminster "No taxation without representation"...

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Nothing posted above alters the fact that parliament is sovereign. Such sovereignty as has been pooled within the EU is obviously contingent on EU membership. Once parliament enacts its will to cancel membership it will trigger negotiations leading to the withdrawal of the UK upon which all of those arrangements will fall. Where EU legislation trumps UK legislation, this is only possible because parliament has consented to that state of affairs. Such consent can be withdrawn in exactly the same way.


If there was any doubt about the ability of parliament to withdraw the UK from the EU, I am quite sure that wide publicity of this contention would be the greatest recruitment tool that the Brexit side could possibly have. Think it through. UK says "We quit." EU says "Sorry, you can't" Don't think so.

You really are startlingly clever aren't you ? Bet your a bundle of fun down the Pub. Will a word you say have a dust speck of effect on anything that remotely interests any of us. Well yes probably money, the English religion


I've had my moments down the pub. I don't think I'll be engaging in a battle of insults with you though, thanks all the same.

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[quote name="pongo" post="1078676" timestamp="1460724404"?


Just as the IOM is an offshore British jurisdiction, so the UK is an offshore jurisdiction of the EU, currently.

Different. UK Parliament is sovereign. Tynwald is not.


Is EU sovereign territory?


It has in recent times evolved as a single legal entity from its previous status as a mere political union..The EU can now act as one and has its own sovereign rights.


And so the doctrine of supremacy would apply?


And you have been chosen to ' link ' the Manx Election ' programme from Manx Radio, just in case the half dozen listening may fall asleep. Please, please run for the Keys, your just the type the Island desperately needs. You will no doubt take this seriously.

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"offshore" is too often bandied around to deflect attention.

That wet stuff in between the UK and the 'adjacent continent' is a giveaway.

That is our eternal dilemma. We are most certainly off the shores of the UK and that won't change until probably the next ice age.

We could build a bridge if some company donates the money for it from the taxes they are saving ( avoiding ) by being here. , but there again that would connect us directly to the adjacent Isle and make us liable to their taxes . So that's a non starter boys, back to the Board Room , let's have a meeting, we must be able to find something to talk about. How about Tax and those utter shits in Panama, should keep their beaks out of other peoples ( Tax ) affaires .

You really are a tiresome old bore. A typical Manx crab who, I am sure, has contributed to holding the potential of this Island back in lots of areas through sheer ingnorance and holding onto completely outdated ideas and ideologies. If you object to finance so much I have to say that I haven't really seen much of an international market for spuds and herring. Or that our farming or tourist industry can keep the Island in the style to which the public sector has become accustomed. Keep up with your tired old irrelevant claptrap. You're like a broken record; constantly offering up objections but never making any suggestions as to what the Island needs to do to diversify whilst keeping the income coming in and public services going.

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Money laundering? The whole thing is a ridiculous witch hunt but one that is entirely in keeping with today's society. The problem is that under these conditions nobody capable who has done well for themselves is likely to stand for office, and you will be left with a parliament full of lefty dross who are squeaky clean but useless.


It is not a crime to want to keep your private finances private. I would say it is a right. There is a register of members interests and that is enough. All the nonsense over Cameron and at the end of it he has done precisely nothing wrong.

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Money laundering? The whole thing is a ridiculous witch hunt but one that is entirely in keeping with today's society. The problem is that under these conditions nobody capable who has done well for themselves is likely to stand for office, and you will be left with a parliament full of lefty dross who are squeaky clean but useless.


It is not a crime to want to keep your private finances private. I would say it is a right. There is a register of members interests and that is enough. All the nonsense over Cameron and at the end of it he has done precisely nothing wrong.

That's right Woolley, such a good little peasant. Nothing to see here. Your betters and wealthiers are totally squeaky clean...

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After all the aggressive tax avoidance, expenses scandals, cash for questions, undeclared gifts from Middle Eastern "parties", etc, of course MPs should be checked and scrutinized.


They are paid by the public to supposedly put the public's best interests forward, not those of other "parties" or to fiddle the books.

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If you were money laundering would you be stupid enough, a) to be in parliament, b) putting the proceeds through a bank account declared to parliament? The hysteria surrounding Cameron is ridiculous. He has had a tiny dividend from his father's offshore investment trust and he's paid tax on it. There really is nothing to see as you say, yet we have the lynch mob bone idle Socialist Worker rabble out on the streets about it.


I am in agreement that cash for questions, unauthorised access for gain, expenses scandals etc. are to be stamped out, but they are matters of lax parliamentary governance, nothing to do with a person publishing their tax return etc.


As for me, I've been too busy making my way for myself and my family to spend time on jealousies of what others are doing. You should try it rmanx. I guarantee you'll feel a lot better.

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