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Not a tax haven.


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If you were money laundering would you be stupid enough, a) to be in parliament, b) putting the proceeds through a bank account declared to parliament? The hysteria surrounding Cameron is ridiculous. He has had a tiny dividend from his father's offshore investment trust and he's paid tax on it. There really is nothing to see as you say, yet we have the lynch mob bone idle Socialist Worker rabble out on the streets about it.


I am in agreement that cash for questions, unauthorised access for gain, expenses scandals etc. are to be stamped out, but they are matters of lax parliamentary governance, nothing to do with a person publishing their tax return etc.


As for me, I've been too busy making my way for myself and my family to spend time on jealousies of what others are doing. You should try it rmanx. I guarantee you'll feel a lot better.

And this is it - jealousy.

We saw similar in the thread about property and views on landlords etc.


Cameron has done absolutely nothing wrong. And people should be able to keep their affairs private. It isn't for public consumption.

If it was for all and sundry to know you would have HMRC publishing everyone's tax returns. Why don't they?

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Exactly. That's what's at the heart of all this. Jealousy. I thought I left behind all those lot at uni with their SWP leaflets and demonstrations. Clearly Corbyn has revitalised them and the rabble have turned up the volume.

The establishment will still keep their offshore mechanisms and the champagne socialists in parliament will still pay lip service to the mob whilst taking lucrative consultancy contracts on leaving office. The noise will die down soon.

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Can't have the rabble upset at us well to do types stacking the deck in our favor while making sweeping cuts to front line services.


Must maintain the status quo or the rabble will realise they are living in a fiefdom and not a democracy.


We can't have public servants...sorry...high achiever politicians accountable to their constituents...sorry subjects.

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Can't have the rabble upset at us well to do types stacking the deck in our favor while making sweeping cuts to front line services. Must maintain the status quo or the rabble will realise they are living in a fiefdom and not a democracy. We can't have public servants...sorry...high achiever politicians accountable to their constituents...sorry subjects.


Do you accept that some folk start out "potless" maybe work hard , lead a relatively frugal lifestyle, don't smoke, drink or go in for holidays abroad have a bit of luck and have the courage to take a chance/follow their dreams and end up comfy and in a position to finance their retirement without depending on the "State"?


My views on some "public servants" are, I suspect, similar to your ownflowers.gif but it does seem these days that some folk "know their rights" but don't understand the concept of responsibilities / self reliance .

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Do you accept that some folk start out "potless" maybe work hard , lead a relatively frugal lifestyle, don't smoke, drink or go in for holidays abroad have a bit of luck and have the courage to take a chance/follow their dreams and end up comfy and in a position to finance their retirement without depending on the "State"?


My views on some "public servants" are, I suspect, similar to your ownflowers.gif but it does seem these days that some folk "know their rights" but don't understand the concept of responsibilities / self reliance .

I am in agreement with you.


"Most" of the politico types haven't worked hard, with the most relevant example being Dodgy Dave.

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Do you think being PM is not working hard? On half the pay of some council CEOs?

You mean the pay he is declaring?


He was born into money, went to one of the best schools money can buy, he married into more money, he inherited (more money than he declared)...


I don't think he will be worrying about paying the gas bill for a while...

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To criticise someone for the life they were born into is rather pathetic innit? Just like skin colour they have zero control of that and it should never be a factor in criticism of anyone. What next? calling someone a bald or ginger *** because you don't agree with them in some way?


You should only judge on the actions of someone and whilst I am no Cameron supporter, I really can't see what he has done wrong with this investment. Why do unions making similar investment never get criticised? Oh yeah, we ideologically support unions just like we ideologically hate the indolent rich....

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Do you think being PM is not working hard? On half the pay of some council CEOs?

You mean the pay he is declaring?


He was born into money, went to one of the best schools money can buy, he married into more money, he inherited (more money than he declared)...


I don't think he will be worrying about paying the gas bill for a while...



That's unacceptable is it? Jeeez.

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Do you think being PM is not working hard? On half the pay of some council CEOs?

You mean the pay he is declaring?


He was born into money, went to one of the best schools money can buy, he married into more money, he inherited (more money than he declared)...


I don't think he will be worrying about paying the gas bill for a while...



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To criticise someone for the life they were born into is rather pathetic innit? Just like skin colour they have zero control of that and it should never be a factor in criticism of anyone. What next? calling someone a bald or ginger *** because you don't agree with them in some way?


You should only judge on the actions of someone and whilst I am no Cameron supporter, I really can't see what he has done wrong with this investment. Why do unions making similar investment never get criticised? Oh yeah, we ideologically support unions just like we ideologically hate the indolent rich....


The same unions that usually bankrupt industries with their 'fair and equitable' stances. Listen I'm all for acceptable working conditions and remuneration but it's a double edged sword. In the good times the unions want a share of the party but in the bad times I don't see them offering to give back some of the spoils to make sure the industry survives and everyone keeps a job.

Large industries need to stay flexible in order to keep up otherwise in the age of globalisation others across the world will step in and take their place.

In my experience the same people who complain about what other people have are the same ones who will drive an industry/company/economy under while they try to get as much as they can for themselves at the expense of the whole. I don't ever read about that on a Socialist Workers Party leaflet. Fair society hey...

Edited by Lxxx
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