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Chief Minister appears to have said the unsayable & told the Yanks they're the absolute pits when it comes to tax dodging etc


Wonder if that greaseball Kerry was still in the room?

I think almost everyone would back him for what he said. It won't do any good though having a dig at the most cynical, corrupt, two-faced, morally bankrupt country in the world. I can see regime change coming soon.

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Chief Minister appears to have said the unsayable & told the Yanks they're the absolute pits when it comes to tax dodging etc


It doesn't seem to be that 'unsayable' given that Cameron was saying exactly the same things according to the Guardian[1]:


David Cameron has cast doubt on whether the United States could be truly considered part of a coalition committed to the fight against corruption, saying some US states fall far short on tax transparency and are less open than the UK’s crown dependencies.
The prime minister made his remarks at the close of a corruption summit in London that brought together more than 40 countries, including the US, in an attempt to fight corruption, restore stolen assets and toughen laws to fight evasion.
Pressed on whether the US could be described as part of his new “coalition of the committed”, Cameron said there were challenges in the USand that some UK crown dependencies were “now ahead of US states in terms of what they are prepared to do”.
He added: “The state of Delaware, for instance, has a lot of companies registered and not much transparency. We have to work with all these countries to persuade them that if we all raise the bar it will be more effective. I am committed to doing that and the United States certainly should be as well.”



In fact there seems to have been a coordinated line on this with Bermuda and the Caymans saying very similar things. Whether this came from Cameron or not is another matter, though given that the UK is as big a tax haven as the other three, interests will coincide. We may be seeing a tactic for slowing down the various anti-corruption and transparency measures that other states are demanding as the US will be unwilling and difficult to change (there are constitutional problems). Of course with a Vice President from Delaware, things are unlikely to change till next January, but I can't see either Trump or Clinton changing much.


At the moment if any of the CDs or BOTs are likely to be affected, it seems to be the BVI who are being set up as the bad boys as they don't even seem to be pretending to cooperate. But maybe they just have a lot of dirt of the UK Cabinet and other powerful types and will pull the pin out if they get genuinely threatened.



[1] Yes I know that the Guardian's Diplomatic Editor, Patrick Wintour, seems unaware of the difference between a Crown Dependency and a British Overseas Territory, but journalistic appointments for a long time have been made on the basis of who you know, not what you know.

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here seems to have been a coordinated line on this with Bermuda and the Caymans saying very similar things. Whether this came from Cameron or not is another matter, though given that the UK is as big a tax haven as the other three, interests will coincide. We may be seeing a tactic for slowing down the various anti-corruption and transparency measures that other states are demanding as the US will be unwilling and difficult to change (there are constitutional problems). Of course with a Vice President from Delaware, things are unlikely to change till next January, but I can't see either Trump or Clinton changing much.


At the moment if any of the CDs or BOTs are likely to be affected, it seems to be the BVI who are being set up as the bad boys as they don't even seem to be pretending to cooperate. But maybe they just have a lot of dirt of the UK Cabinet and other powerful types and will pull the pin out if they get genuinely threatened.



They're mostly saying the same thing because it's true; 285,000 companies registered at one building in Delaware. I bet of everyone employed there the most busy people won't be the team of lawyers, or the company administrators, but the post team and the team running the huge bank of shredders. That this is acceptable in a first world country that claims to be the global saviour of democracy and fair play is incredible.


I agree with you in that I think BVI is being positioned as the fall guy on this one. It's an easy target - standards of governance are crap and the place should have probably been read the riot act years ago. In a way it can't defend itself from accusations of shady practices whereas us and the Channel Islands probably have a pretty good defense just on general accountability and robust AML standards etc. It won't stop the Yanks picking on the wrong people though. They're really good at that. Remember this is a place that responded to a load of Saudi's blowing up a skyscraper by bombing millions of Iraqi's. I'm sure they all looked sort of the same too. Let's face it everyone looks the same when you're fucking up their lives from 40,000 feet up.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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I was highly amused by the enthusiastic, nay drooling, coverage that Manx Radio gave Bell's speech:

Chief Minister's anti-corruption comments go global

Comments directed at USA receive broad acclaim

Saturday, May 14th, 2016 6:52am

The Chief Minister’s clarion call for financial transparency at theUK’s first anti-corruption summit has impacted way beyond our shores.

News and media organisations around the globe have reported on Allan Bell’s comments, many of which were directed at the United States.

Mr Bell received a rapturous round of applause at Lancaster House in London after pointing out that while many smaller jurisdictions had brought in anti-corruption measures, America still lags behind in many areas.

It appears Mr Bell’s comments received a wider nod of approval than first realised.
Long used to criticism, he said while many offshore territories and other small jurisdictions had received a bad press, it was time to acknowledge the ‘elephant in the room’.

He highlighted states such as Delaware and South Dakota in calling the United States a major secrecy jurisdiction and tax haven, stressing it was hypocritical to preach about the importance of access to information relevant to America when they themselves had not moved at the same pace.

As well as significant pieces in the Financial Times, Economist and New York Times, Mr Bell’s comments received extensive media coverage in the UK, the States, Canada, Europe and Asia.


It's so clearly a government-written piece from the Court of the Tangerine Emperor, very unlike the normal, briefer style of Manx Radio's in-house stuff and of course government press bumph usually gets put out first thing in the morning. The way in which the first para is a misformatted sub-heading is also a giveaway.

(Not that I'm disagreeing with what Bell said - indeed some of us have been saying he should take this line for a long time. However as usual he seems to have waited to be told what to do by Downing Street).

Edited by Roger Mexico
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Chief Minister appears to have said the unsayable & told the Yanks they're the absolute pits when it comes to tax dodging etc


Wonder if that greaseball Kerry was still in the room?

I think almost everyone would back him for what he said. It won't do any good though having a dig at the most cynical, corrupt, two-faced, morally bankrupt country in the world. I can see regime change coming soon.

In the Isle of Man , certainly. I think Bell would be well advised to keep his mouth shut, the English and Americans are big mates one week , can't stand each other's guts the next. Tying your colours to either is asking for trouble from one or both. It would seem that Bell yet again is getting told that he is an ' International Figure ' in Politics, by those on the Island who stand to gain most. For the sake of the rest of us, come down to earth Bell, keep a low profile, and spare the Island some of the the mess that is coming by just leaving quietly to where- ever you plan to retire. Make no mistake about it, those who you think are your Political friends will have forgotten you before the plane takes off and will be in pursuit of another gullible ' Yes Man ' with an ego for them to massage

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I was highly amused by the enthusiastic, nay drooling, coverage that Manx Radio gave Bell's speech:



Chief Minister's anti-corruption comments go global Comments directed at USA receive broad acclaimSaturday, May 14th, 2016 6:52am

The Chief Minister’s clarion call for financial transparency at theUK’s first anti-corruption summit has impacted way beyond our shores.

News and media organisations around the globe have reported on Allan Bell’s comments, many of which were directed at the United States.

Mr Bell received a rapturous round of applause at Lancaster House in London after pointing out that while many smaller jurisdictions had brought in anti-corruption measures, America still lags behind in many areas.

It appears Mr Bell’s comments received a wider nod of approval than first realised.Long used to criticism, he said while many offshore territories and other small jurisdictions had received a bad press, it was time to acknowledge the ‘elephant in the room’.

He highlighted states such as Delaware and South Dakota in calling the United States a major secrecy jurisdiction and tax haven, stressing it was hypocritical to preach about the importance of access to information relevant to America when they themselves had not moved at the same pace.

As well as significant pieces in the Financial Times, Economist and New York Times, Mr Bell’s comments received extensive media coverage in the UK, the States, Canada, Europe and Asia.


It's so clearly a government-written piece from the Court of the Tangerine Emperor, very unlike the normal, briefer style of Manx Radio's in-house stuff and of course government press bumph usually gets put out first thing in the morning. The way in which the first para is a misformatted sub-heading is also a giveaway.


(Not that I'm disagreeing with what Bell said - indeed some of us have been saying he should take this line for a long time. However as usual he seems to have waited to be told what to do by Downing Street).

Or more likely Athol Street , and the brood of Millionaires he has been nurturing over recent times

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Chief Minister appears to have said the unsayable & told the Yanks they're the absolute pits when it comes to tax dodging etc


Wonder if that greaseball Kerry was still in the room?

I think almost everyone would back him for what he said. It won't do any good though having a dig at the most cynical, corrupt, two-faced, morally bankrupt country in the world. I can see regime change coming soon.

In the Isle of Man , certainly. I think Bell would be well advised to keep his mouth shut, the English and Americans are big mates one week , can't stand each other's guts the next. Tying your colours to either is asking for trouble from one or both. It would seem that Bell yet again is getting told that he is an ' International Figure ' in Politics, by those on the Island who stand to gain most. For the sake of the rest of us, come down to earth Bell, keep a low profile, and spare the Island some of the the mess that is coming by just leaving quietly to where- ever you plan to retire. Make no mistake about it, those who you think are your Political friends will have forgotten you before the plane takes off and will be in pursuit of another gullible ' Yes Man ' with an ego for them to massage

The 'special' Anglo-American relationship has been around since Maggie's day - remember her, Reagan and Spitting Image? Hardly an on, off relationship. Whether it is good or not for us is a different matter.

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