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  • 5 years later...

Just been reading the BBC and the Guardian who are both publishing more Pandora Papers, focusing on the wealth of Political Leaders in Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Their use of offshore vehicles etc. So far the British Virgin Islands are getting a hammering. There are nearly 12million pages of documents, so I’ll be very surprised that the IOM doesn’t get a mention. Last time, Panorama program came to Athol Street and our esteemed leader made a complete prat of himself - not for the first time. If this island isn’t careful, history will repeat itself. Last time as a result of the Panorama and Guardian, the island caved in and the Beneficial Register was created. What new thing will the island create to prevent any potential embarrassment?

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On 10/3/2021 at 5:59 PM, 2112 said:

Just been reading the BBC and the Guardian who are both publishing more Pandora Papers, focusing on the wealth of Political Leaders in Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Their use of offshore vehicles etc. So far the British Virgin Islands are getting a hammering. There are nearly 12million pages of documents, so I’ll be very surprised that the IOM doesn’t get a mention. Last time, Panorama program came to Athol Street and our esteemed leader made a complete prat of himself - not for the first time. If this island isn’t careful, history will repeat itself. Last time as a result of the Panorama and Guardian, the island caved in and the Beneficial Register was created. What new thing will the island create to prevent any potential embarrassment?

Maybe we're just not as good a tax haven as we think we are? 

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