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Not a tax haven.


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I think that sort of article demonstrates the foolishness of the attitude of Bell (and some on here) of responding to criticisms of being a 'tax haven' by going "We're not! We're not! We're not! . . ." like some spoilt toddler and somehow thinking that answers it.


If instead we should admit we were (as we are), point out how most countries are in some respects and suggest that the UK, Ireland and so on need to consider their own positions first, not to mention the loopholes in the laws and treaties they themselves have made, that allow such things to happen.

Realistically - in terms of influencing mainstream British public and, therefore, political policy - you might as well bang your head against a wall. An angry public, ground down by austerity and economic uncertainty in general, increasingly perceive all things 'offshore' as inherently dodgy and unfair. That's a trend which is not going to reverse.

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anyone watch the panorama programme on the wonderful bbc? the guy that was in charge of building a hospital in the uk but re-routed some of the money through panama, then used it as a downpayment on a boeing 747 was my favourite. class

You would think those sort of contracts were audited by the NHS and that you couldn't just itemise an €85,000 payment to a Panamanian Foundation in the accounts without someone noticing.

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anyone watch the panorama programme on the wonderful bbc? the guy that was in charge of building a hospital in the uk but re-routed some of the money through panama, then used it as a downpayment on a boeing 747 was my favourite. class

You would think those sort of contracts were audited by the NHS and that you couldn't just itemise an €85,000 payment to a Panamanian Foundation in the accounts without someone noticing.


Perhaps they did notice! Seem to recall about a million sovs going walkies from Noble's many years under top management supervision...(That ended in two suicides I think)

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anyone watch the panorama programme on the wonderful bbc? the guy that was in charge of building a hospital in the uk but re-routed some of the money through panama, then used it as a downpayment on a boeing 747 was my favourite. class

You would think those sort of contracts were audited by the NHS and that you couldn't just itemise an €85,000 payment to a Panamanian Foundation in the accounts without someone noticing.


Perhaps they did notice! Seem to recall about a million sovs going walkies from Noble's many years under top management supervision...(That ended in two suicides I think)


I think it is this below the belt shit stirring, that inclines people to think you are a complete twat.

Did you think it was clever to bring that up now you have left these shores ?

Families don't need reminders like that.

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I'll 'wadger' that there will be a number of unexplained deaths of offshore bankers and lawyers. You really dont think that certain folk in Russia have gone to the trouble of stealing all that money so as to be relaxed about a data-breach?

I wonder how many squeaky bums there are amongst seniors at a certain Panamanian law firm...?

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Radio 4 has been full of it this morning.


Some interviewees were inaccurate in their facts, some more accurate, not that that matters, offshore tax dodging is becoming a hysteria.


One interesting question to a senior (ex) Attorney General or similar.......


Q. Is it right that rich people can legitimately avoid taxes by using dodgy offshore structures?

A. That is a moral question.


Interestingly he did go on to say that the UK could indeed shut down BVI, however it has a moral responsibly to consider the consequences as to do so would "destroy" the economy of the territory.

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I think it will be a few token barbs towards small tax havens like us, the wealthy will shrug their shoulders and say, 'so what', the lawyers will rub their hands with glee, we'll talk about it, the media will have a field day and then it will fade away.....status quo.

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