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celebrity shaggers

Bertie Basset

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...go on to have entirely normal heterosexual relationships afterwards.

As opposed to an entirely normal homosexual relationship?


Quick Paul might be Gay, lets surround him with good wholesome hetero imagery and hopefully we can "force" the gay out of him.


You sound like those weirdos that run "pray the gay away" camps, where they use electroshock therapy on otherwise healthy and normal people.

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OK. I rephrase. Nobody SHOULD be persecuted for homosexuality nowadays. However, if someone is ambivalent as an adolescent I would contend that it is far more beneficial for them to go on to have normal heterosexual relationships later. There are people who are solid in their preferences but there are those who can be influenced. If that was not the case, then Section 28 would never have been an issue in the first place. Furthermore, there are those who remain bisexual for life.

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OK. I rephrase. Nobody SHOULD be persecuted for homosexuality nowadays. However, if someone is ambivalent as an adolescent I would contend that it is far more beneficial for them to go on to have normal heterosexual relationships later. There are people who are solid in their preferences but there are those who can be influenced. If that was not the case, then Section 28 would never have been an issue in the first place. Furthermore, there are those who remain bisexual for life.


Or it could have been whipped up in a frenzy of HIV/AIDS is the gay disease hysteria of the ill informed 80's? I wasn't really aware of such matters at the time so I may be wrong I am just going by what I have read looking back


It's been removed for 13 years now though, I am not sure there have been any new groups turning people gay set up recently?

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Woolley - I think I agree with you somewhat - society can definitely suppress certain behaviours and a less repressive society can hence see increased sexual experimentation.


However, you seem to think that if a person is gay they will "damage" society in some way and so this needs discouraging.


Maintaining good sexual and mental health practices, contributing to society, being productive - these are sexuality-blind ideals and both heterosexuals and homosexuals need to try to maintain them.


Are you claiming there is some difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals which makes it socially "useful" to discourage homosexual behaviour?


If so I very much disagree - I wish to educate people to engage in safe sexual practices, be aware of the mental health pressure modern life can bring and encourage them to contribute to society, but none of that needs people to repress their sexuality or closet themselves.


Those behaviours can be extremely damaging and cause considerable social harm.


Some people are exclusively hetero-sexual, some exclusively homosexual, some will experiment to a greater or lesser extent depending upon social mores.


Is society too repressed or not repressed enough? The trouble is this isn't a one dimensional issue - education in sexual health, reducing damaging repression. My view is that openness about sexuality is still needed - which in itself will make it easier to educate people about safe sexual practices.

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I seem to recall that I recently read an article that suggested that marriages had been around for centuries and had originally included unions between same sex partners, however, this tradition was adopted by the Christian faiths and eventually became the "traditional marriage between a man and a woman" that anti-gay proponents profess to be protecting now.


Unfortunately I cannot find that article so I could be wrong but it is an interesting thought.

Mate bonding ceremonies have been around for centuries before Christendom took a hold of it.


Also ancient warrior cultures saw nothing wrong with homosexual activity. In fact the more prominent to come to mind was the Spartans and the Samurai caste in Feudal Japan.

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I don't think Sparta is a good example - this is admitedly from Wikipedia, but Xenophon is a well known Greek authority:

The importance of these relationships in military formation was not without controversy. According to Xenophon, the Spartans abhorred the thought of using relationships as the basis of unit formation for placing too much significance on sexuality rather than talent. This was due to their founder Lycurgus who attacked lusts on physical beauty regarding it as shameful. Xenophon asserted that in some city-states the lovers would not even have conversations with one another. He said this type of behavior was horrible because it was entirely based on physical attractions:[9]

If as was evident it was not an attachment to the soul, but a yearning solely towards the body, Lycurgus stamped this thing as foul.

The Sacred Band of Thebes is a better case study - where 150 pairs of lovers swore an oath to each other and became joined into an elite band of troops.

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Anyway. Let's get off the gays subject and on a normal hetrosexual injunction involving an English Premier League football manager.


Someone has been a bit naught and doesn't want the Sun telling everyone.


Anyone know who? It's crystal clear that it can't be many.

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I actually thought you didn't know but then I twigged what you said and it suddenly became clear like crystal tongue.png


It's like an Alan Partridge show with all these injunctions though, waste of space! Lawyers must rake it in

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I actually thought you didn't know but then I twigged what you said and it suddenly became clear like crystal tongue.png


It's like an Alan Partridge show with all these injunctions though, waste of space! Lawyers must rake it in


the rates being charged they could live in a palace

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'Celebrity Shaggers' sounded like a great idea for a quiz show, so I sent it into ITV.


Basically you have three men answering questions to get to shag 1 of 2 gorgeous women celebrities, introduced and then hidden behind three doors.


Winner of the quiz gets to pick one of the 3 doors, and if he picks one of the gorgeous women celebrities, he wins a long weekend with her and a holiday, but also behind one of the doors is chatty man Alan Carr and he has to spend the night with him.


I'm optimistic this could make my fortune, but haven't heard back from them yet.

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'Celebrity Shaggers' sounded like a great idea for a quiz show, so I sent it into ITV.


Basically you have three men answering questions to get to shag 1 of 2 gorgeous women celebrities, introduced and then hidden behind three doors.


Winner of the quiz gets to pick one of the 3 doors, and if he picks one of the gorgeous women celebrities, he wins a long weekend with her and a holiday, but also behind one of the doors is chatty man Alan Carr and he has to spend the night with him.


I'm optimistic this could make my fortune, but haven't heard back from them yet.

Then the following week they come back and recount the gory details. We may laugh but I think we should not doubt that it would get masssive ratings.

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