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Student 'Comes Out' As Non-Binary


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Again, you're argument from ignorance, as you are trying to reduce everything to the anatomical, which addressing the issue of sex rather than gender.



Grr. How can you possibly expect anyone to take this seriously?

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This is the perfect thread for one of your usual foolish arguments that go on for page after page in an attempt to try to make you look clever. It's terribly attention seeking for you too which is almost the perfect mix. No I dont that think trans people who consider themselves to be men but have tits and a fanny are not men UNTIL they have surgery and nowhere did I say that either.

I was clearly just focussing on this non-binary nonsense as its utter bullshit.

It's an attempt to try and impart a little more knowledge on the subject in the absence of knowledge (in most respects) on your part. A bit of a lesson, if you like. If you don't like that, spend some time reading through websites and stop wasting your time pondering things on here.


You described what makes a man or woman based on their anatomy. It doesn't take much of a brain to work out that this must mean you think

transgender people wanting an operation must not really be the gender they claim to be until the operation. I'm just following your logic!

You say this is not the case, so what makes a man or a woman? I ask this because this is all connected with the issue of gender (not sex) being discussed or repudiated here.


So you don't identify as either male or female and want to be referred to by this stupid third person title of "they" all the time...


You're getting confused about this again. The use of 'they' is an alternative to the third-person singular so it is an alternative

to the use of 'he' or 'she', so it wouldn't make sense using 'you' instead, as that's second person singular.

Though, I would grant, it does bring some confusion, and I do wonder if an alternative term could be used to 'he' or 'she'. But the

problem is that any word would have be coined and for its meaning to be widely used.


I'm looking forward to the extra box in the new census form. Are you male, female, or not wholly one of the above.

Bi-gender could be added. Why not?

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But really 'xhe' is a load of nonsense, as is 'cis'.

What do you suggest then? He or she seems inaccurate.


Whilst "they" singular, leads to some grammatically barbourous phrases -


"They have spoken with the President" misleads one into thinking more than one person spoke to him. "They has spoken ..." Would conform to how we use verbs with the third person singular "He has..."; "She has..." But it sounds wrong.


I get that you can use they/their singular if you're talking about an unknown individual whose gender you don't know. "The intruder took their swag and ran", but if you're talking about a specific individual it seems odd "Amadeus picked up their swag and ran".


There's no reason not to have gender neutral pronouns, it would help in other circumstances, for example, on an Internet forum where we don't know the gender of the person to whom we are referring.


What should that third pronoun be? I rather like "xhe" because it has a science fictiony feel about it. I suspect when a consensus emerges I'll be in the minority but until then I'm going to use "xhe".

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There are meant to be two genders - male and female.


Due to imperfections in nature we actually have three - male, female and freaks.


All these nice names that people like to give to the freaks are just a smoke screen. A freak is a freak!

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So we are not really what we are, or what we are born as until we sign off on it, until we agree that what nature has given us is acceptable? Until then we can just decide for ourselves despite physical attributes that might be at odds with our self assessment. Right then, from now on I want to be a unicorn. I know that sounds all rainbows and fluffiness but it's actually so I can stab weirdos with my head!

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This made me die a little inside.




She's quite blatantly female.Are they not using transgender, queer as a word to describe themselves now? They have to come up with "non-binary" - so what, they're analog now? There's only one place for these people. A mental hospital.

Well I have stacks of similar stuff I can find for you and you're welcome to die all the way. There is nothing strange to many, many people about this and nothing new about there being non-binary people.. It's just...you haven't heard of the term and the idea that people do not consider themselves as male or female.


1. How the fuck would you know whether she is female or male?

2. Yes, transgender is still in use and some do consider themselves to be transgender. Queer is in use and means something completely different.


By all means, explain the truth of the world by what makes people male and female and why people have to be one of the other (i.e. the binary, the dichotomy).



I'm guessing the doctor looked between her legs at birth and ticked the Female box? If she then changed, the doctor would have again ticked a box as part of any procedure or treatment. So legally and biologically, she is a woman. The rest is psychological and it's down to science and the law to determine if in future we have Male / Female / Not Sure on the passport or not. For example, where do you draw the line between a genuine gender recognition question and a mental health issue? Maybe someone was abused and now wants to identify as whatever non-binary is meant to be. Is that a genuine way to describe yourself then or a mental illness that needs treatment?



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I've posted this TED Talk before, but think it is worth doing it again - the connection between genitalia and brain structure is not as clear cut as many would claim.


Our society uses genetalia to prescribe gender behaviours, but behaviours are mediated by the brain, not the possession of sexual organs whose influence on the development of the brain isn't clear cut.


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Do 'they' refer to themselves as "we", like the 'royals' or perhaps Margaret Thatcher (if so I now understand why the pic of her accommodation after the Brighton bombing showed the toilet seat raised ) flowers.gif


Edit to add she did say "we are a grandmother" so I could be wrong

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This made me die a little inside.




She's quite blatantly female. Are they not using transgender, queer as a word to describe themselves now? They have to come up with "non-binary" - so what, they're analog now? There's only one place for these people. A mental hospital.

Can you come out as "I've no fucking idea what I am"?


I can't get all those references to "they" as they refer to themselves in the third person as if they are a novelist observing their own character performing in their own life.


If you have tits and a fanny you're a woman


If you don't have tits and a dick you're a man


Any combination of the above then you're transgender


If you like having sex with people with the same sexual characteristics as you then you're gay


If you shag anything your bi


If you dont shag anything you're rmanx


Things like non binary are just made up bollocks to seek attention. You might as well come out as a dog, or a cat or a badger. Non binary - fuck off - you're just nuts.


There, fixed! thumbsup.gif

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