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TT Visitors Down By 5%


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But we are not in the USA or Japan, and according to the latest ' Experts ' employed by our Government, there are tens of thousands more bike riders and fans wanting to come to our Island to see Real Road Racing, and spend vast amounts of money, so your arguments are pointless.

But you don't really believe that do you?
Over the years I have met and made new friends of so many people visiting for the TT and always get told that they themselves know so many people back home who want to come to the TT but it can be very difficult to get everything to fall into place at the right time. By far the biggest barriers though are the price (and suitable times) of travel and the availability of accommodation. If answers could be found to these hurdles there are many many more people waiting to come here. Dilly, you might know of more and more locals 'sitting on the fence' about the TT, but I've never met any, the TT is a passion, it doesn't just go away if you're a true fan, and anybody who suddenly decides otherwise was never a true fan in the first place imho. That's ok, if someone doesn't like the TT fair enough, but it doesn't mean that bikers and fans are bad people because they do like it. I know that's not Diligaf's opinion, but it is definitely the opinion of some, and they seem to want to turn the whole thing into an 'us and them' situation.

Agree totally, and don't let the dissenters dishearten you. They are very very few in numbers ( mostly on this site I think ) and the Island is full of die hard TT fans who as you say will be true to the TT/ MGP for many many years to come. Roll on the end of May


I class myself as a diehard TT and MGP supporter, the facts I was referring to are not applicable only to Japan and the USA, motorcycling is almost being legislated out of existence in Europe. The days of just jumping on a bike at 16 or 17 are long gone due to very strict training regimes. The youngsters are not there any more. Even on the IoM, new bike sales have fallen from around 700 to 200 per annum in just ten years. It's a huge worldwide trend with the exception of the emerging Asian economies.

As far as racing is concerned, MotoGP is as popular as ever but World Superbike is flagging in spectator numbers. The US championship suffered from mismanagement and has floundered in recent years, it is beginning to revive these past two years. Domestic championships are struggling everywhere, with the exception of the UK, BSB is recognised as the best of these. British club racing has waned over the past decade also, it isn't easy to get involved any more, just like motorcycling in general. The rule makers are making it difficult.

The TT is bucking the trend and its uniqueness is beginning to pay off once more. Our biggest problem is getting people who want to come here at reasonable cost and easier for them than it is now. We don't need music festivals, we need to get the people who are keen to come here, instead of placing barriers in the way!

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Yeah, biking is actually a pretty shit mode of transport, especially in climates of the north like our's. The only long term future for biking is for traffic beating in cities, and that is more a job for scooter type commuters rather than silly, macho sports bikes, which are fine for those sad men and their mid life crises, but not of any use to a commuting solution.

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I'm pretty indifferent to motorbikes and the TT itself but I love the fact the island has a buzz about it for a few weeks a year. Road closures are a bit inconvenient but it's a small price to pay to bring a world renowned festival to the island and the boom to the economy it brings. If this company can extend the TT fortnight to a month long event with other peripheral activities and an increase in visitors then so be it.


There are too many closed minded people on here who can't grasp the fact the island is on it's knees financially and any increase in revenue to the rock to sustain local businesses and keep more people in a job is a good thing in my book.

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If this company can extend the TT fortnight to a month long event with other peripheral activities and an increase in visitors then so be it.



Fucking Hell! A Believer! Why don't we go the whole hog and have a 50 week TT with a couple of non race weeks? We'll all be loaded!


There are too many closed minded people on here who can't grasp the fact the island is on it's knees financially and any increase in revenue to the rock to sustain local businesses and keep more people in a job is a good thing in my book.


I remain unconvinced that Vision Nine will make us any more cash.

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I would like to think that as Lxxx says, Vision Nine can find ways of marketing the island, consolidating transport and accommodation at fair cost for the TT and FOM. I'd also like to think that this can be expanded into the rest of the summer months, in effect V9 becoming our new 'Tourist Board'.

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I would like to think that as Lxxx says, Vision Nine can find ways of marketing the island, consolidating transport and accommodation at fair cost for the TT and FOM. I'd also like to think that this can be expanded into the rest of the summer months, in effect V9 becoming our new 'Tourist Board'.


Jesus wept, this is what someone heavily involved with the TT believes? This island is full of idiots.

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If this company can extend the TT fortnight to a month long event with other peripheral activities and an increase in visitors then so be it.



Fucking Hell! A Believer! Why don't we go the whole hog and have a 50 week TT with a couple of non race weeks? We'll all be loaded!


There are too many closed minded people on here who can't grasp the fact the island is on it's knees financially and any increase in revenue to the rock to sustain local businesses and keep more people in a job is a good thing in my book.


I remain unconvinced that Vision Nine will make us any more cash.



Why wouldn't you want to aim to develop and maximise the summertime period so we can attempt to capitalise on what's left of our appeal? Our local businesses are on their arse as it is with £150m being lost out of the annual government spend by way of the VAT clawback so why not roll the dice and see what happens? If what they try doesn't work then people will vote with their feet and they'll not make any money. I'm sure there will be clauses in the contract that stipulate that if a dramatic % fall in numbers results then both parties can walk away from the experiment.

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Why wouldn't you want to aim to develop and maximise the summertime period so we can attempt to capitalise on what's left of our appeal? Our local businesses are on their arse as it is with £150m being lost out of the annual government spend by way of the VAT clawback so why not roll the dice and see what happens? If what they try doesn't work then people will vote with their feet and they'll not make any money. I'm sure there will be clauses in the contract that stipulate that if a dramatic % fall in numbers results then both parties can walk away from the experiment.


What the fuck are you waffling about? Have you read the Vision Nine proposals put before Tynwald? They quite specifically refer to TT fortnight and the festival of motorcycling. What do you see in that that could make the rest of the summer season more profitable?

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I would like to think that as Lxxx says, Vision Nine can find ways of marketing the island, consolidating transport and accommodation at fair cost for the TT and FOM. I'd also like to think that this can be expanded into the rest of the summer months, in effect V9 becoming our new 'Tourist Board'.


Jesus wept, this is what someone heavily involved with the TT believes? This island is full of idiots.


I didn't say I believed it, but I'd really like to think that they are capable of it though.

I do believe that our future in tourism will depend upon a series of special events throughout the summer months. These will need to attract large numbers of people here in order to rebuild part of what we have lost in infrastructure.

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Why wouldn't you want to aim to develop and maximise the summertime period so we can attempt to capitalise on what's left of our appeal? Our local businesses are on their arse as it is with £150m being lost out of the annual government spend by way of the VAT clawback so why not roll the dice and see what happens? If what they try doesn't work then people will vote with their feet and they'll not make any money. I'm sure there will be clauses in the contract that stipulate that if a dramatic % fall in numbers results then both parties can walk away from the experiment.


What the fuck are you waffling about? Have you read the Vision Nine proposals put before Tynwald? They quite specifically refer to TT fortnight and the festival of motorcycling. What do you see in that that could make the rest of the summer season more profitable?



I haven't read it. I thought they had a remit to bring more visitors to the island but that it wasn't time specific i.e. they could extend the fortnight under the TT umbrella to incorporate related events. If that's not the case then I'll bow to your superior wisdom.

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I haven't read it. I thought they had a remit to bring more visitors to the island but that it wasn't time specific i.e. they could extend the fortnight under the TT umbrella to incorporate related events. If that's not the case then I'll bow to your superior wisdom.



Dear God, you've just given Skelly a get out.

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