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Ken Livingstone

Max Power

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you are so far up your own arse its untrue pongo

Not a substantive contribution to the debate, Stinky - why make things personal? If you disagree explain why, don't smear the person.

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So what we're saying is that a few comments of historical fact which are then 'moved' out of context is some how igoing to lead to state sanctioned mass extermination?

Holy strawman, batman, who is saying that?



This latest merry go round is nothing more than a slow motion attempt at moving the Labour Party back to the right and replacing Corby with one of the guys. It's also working quite nicely at keeping the Tories mate Mr Green (BHS) off the front pages.

Now that's an interesting angle - Red Ken mouthing off to help the Tory Press.


Red Ken is the person hogging the microphones insisting its fine to bring Hitler into a debate about anti-semitism in the UK.

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I care not for any colour of politician, but the guy is being called anti Semitic, a Nazi sympathiser, a racist, there is no evidence of any of these claims in his words, if the friends of Israel do not like what you say then you are what Ken is accused of, its really that simple, explained for all in less than 2 mins below, and never ever dare to question the historical 'facts' either, that an imprisonable offence.



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I try to avoid public discussions these days about Israel.


But then that is how the Israeli government and their supporters like it.


By being unable to raise the subject of Israel without being branded anti-Semitic (while ironically the person shouting that has no real idea what a Semitic Jew actually is) or labelled as a terrorist lover (because a subject this delicate can only have two opposed view and no grey areas in between) allows the Israeli government to act with almost total impunity.


My personal opinion (and you can scream terrorist lover all you want), is that Israel is vastly over extending its reach into another nations territory and is engaging in systematic removal of a people for its own gain, by using heavy handed military strength (backed by American and British money/equipment) and screaming the victim card when they have their nose bloodied in response.


Rant over. Commence flaming.

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I avoid discussions for the precise opposite reason, rmanx: as a supporter of Israel, I'm branded Islamophobic and a supporter of indiscriminate killing of innocent people, all entirely without any basis. I note also we're not allowed to defend Jews or speak out about anti-semitism without being verbally attacked by people who immediately bring up Islamophobia or the plight of Palestinians, as if that has anything to do with it. It's like we're not allowed to express our own views without the Thought Police coming down on us at full force.

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Interesting that the Islamophobic elements of Zac Goldsmith's campaign is not getting as much coverage as Ken's gaff.


Assuming such elements exist, why would it get as much coverage? Zac Goldsmith is a B list politician (or less). Ken Livingstone is an A list politician.

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"Assuming such elements exist"... He's been accused of it by a former Tory Chair - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/zac-goldsmith-london-mayor-campaign-sadiq-khan-baroness-warsi-a7009126.html


Zac Goldsmith is running for mayor of London. His attacks are against the Labour candidate for that post. He may be a "B list politician" but he's aspiring to the highest office the "A List" Livingstone ever achieved.

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As for Livingstone and London, in 2011 only 44.9% of the population there were white British and we can safely assume that this will be substantially lower now, so I suppose JC is looking to the future populaton. He'll do well in the Islamic Republic areas for a time unless even they see through him.

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