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DT: Can't imagine anyone trusts Tynwald themselves to vote other than in their own interests


Therein lies the problem with the public's total loss of faith in our system or any attempts to reform it.

Edited by Lisenchuk
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There could be a manxforums submission. We can make comments and vote on what should be included etc. It won't be the first time that submissions from manxforums has been used in a report to Tynwald. I am sure someone can provide the links, but John Wright did an esxcellent report on elections and electoral rolls or something. He explained why he was using anonymous submissions from the internet from people called 'beermat' or 'tired_out_knacker' or whatever.

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I hope so, too. I feel I want to contribute, but it's such a big subject I don't know where to begin....!! One of the problems is that, although I think I know what Tynwald is and what Tynwald does, I don't know for certain - my knowledge may be wrong or incomplete, and I don't know what I don't know.....!


Perhaps it would be helpful for someone to produce an Idiots' Guide to Tynwald, and for Lord Lisvane to give some guidance to Joe Public as what areas he will be looking at? The Government is quick to put out consultation papers when it wants public support for actions it wants to take, so perhaps it should consult properly over this, as well?

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Dear Lord Lisvane


On Tynwald and the Legislative Council in particular


Here are my thoughts:


Mr Corkish is a loadmouth bully (yes, I used the word bully and I used the word loudmouth) who uses his position in the Legislative Council to try and intimidate people in the House of Keys with his ridiculous stage coughs and splutters and other ridiculous noises as well as his use of silly sotto voce. When he was in the House of Keys he was useless, in fact worse than useless. Take a look through Hansard at his contributions when an MHK. Not much is there. And what there is is just laughable.


Enough of him.


Let's move onto Timmy Crookall MLC. What on earth is a Minister doing in the Legislative Council? If Timmy had to go for Keys again he would have got his arse kicked. He was very lucky to get in and it was only that there was a bunch of new opponents who split the against him that he scraped in. Nice and safe now upstairs.


Tony 'Thirsty' Wild. Enough said.


Coleman. Who he? Not sure, but he is a member of Manx Labour Party along with David Cretney who is now also a member of Legislative Council.


Henderson. Considered himself a biut edgy all those years as a backbencher. Happy to suck up like mad to his bosses in the Council of Ministers and be the Mr Now Safe but Nasty to do all their shouting down. Has shown himself to be a bit of a nasty piece of work. What is a Member of the Legislative COuncil doing gobbing off on Manx Radio for the treasury.


Anderson. Holds the record for most ballots to squeeze him out of the House of Keys into the LegCo. He did next to bugger all of any worth when he was MHK (especially as Health Minister, especially) that he can't be any nore useless sitting upstairs. Except he can. Like his pals he now has 3 times the voting power in Tynwald. That thought gals me.


Actually, I've got bored with this. So in a nutshell, in its current form most folk don't want the Legislative Council. They are, in the main, a self-serving set of CoMin sychophants who only have a mind of their own when it effects them directly ie when the Legislative Council's not inconsiderable power is in anyway threatened.


No doubt you will meet these people, be wined and dined and all that, and like that haggis sucker from the Swetty Sock Government who came here recently, find everything is just marvellous.

Edited by gettafa
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1. We don't trust Tynwald members - for the most part - to consider the best outcome for anyone but themselves


2. We don't want MLCs - if they have to exist at all - to have more voting power than democratically elected MHKs


3. We'd like to see more women in Tynwald

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Dear Lord Lisvane


On Tynwald and the Legislative Council in particular


Here are my thoughts:


Mr Corkish is a loadmouth bully (yes, I used the word bully and I used the word loudmouth) who uses his position in the Legislative Council to try and intimidate people in the House of Keys with his ridiculous stage coughs and splutters and other ridiculous noises as well as his use of silly sotto voce. When he was in the House of Keys he was useless, in fact worse than useless. Take a look through Hansard at his contributions when an MHK. Not much is there. And what there is is just laughable.


Enough of him.


Let's move onto Timmy Crookall MLC. What on earth is a Minister doing in the Legislative Council? If Timmy had to go for Keys again he would have got his arse kicked. He was very lucky to get in and it was only that there was a bunch of new opponents who split the against him that he scraped in. Nice and safe now upstairs.


Tony 'Thirsty' Wild. Enough said.


Coleman. Who he? Not sure, but he is a member of Manx Labour Party along with David Cretney who is now also a member of Legislative Council.


Henderson. Considered himself a biut edgy all those years as a backbencher. Happy to suck up like mad to his bosses in the Council of Ministers and be the Mr Now Safe but Nasty to do all their shouting down. Has shown himself to be a bit of a nasty piece of work. What is a Member of the Legislative COuncil doing gobbing off on Manx Radio for the treasury.


Anderson. Holds the record for most ballots to squeeze him out of the House of Keys into the LegCo. He did next to bugger all of any worth when he was MHK (especially as Health Minister, especially) that he can't be any nore useless sitting upstairs. Except he can. Like his pals he now has 3 times the voting power in Tynwald. That thought gals me.


Actually, I've got bored with this. So in a nutshell, in its current form most folk don't want the Legislative Council. They are, in the main, a self-serving set of CoMin sychophants who only have a mind of their own when it effects them directly ie when the Legislative Council's not inconsiderable power is in anyway threatened.


No doubt you will meet these people, be wined and dined and all that, and like that haggis sucker from the Swetty Sock Government who came here recently, find everything is just marvellous.

You forgot to mention the 'president' of Tynwald who scuttled in when her seat was in danger too.

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A review of the structure and function of Tynwald is a jolly good thing, but those are essentially just infrastructure. The real meat of the issue is the shower of shit that populates Tynwald. Turn that over for a real chance of improvement. Lisvane's outcome, I fear, will involve polish and a turd.

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But should we seek MLCs with a democratic mandate & less voting power


Or get rid of them altogether?




Should that be the choice offered in a public referendum?

Edited by Donald Trumps
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But should we seek MLCs with a democratic mandate & less voting power


Or get rid of them altogether?




Should that be the choice offered in a public referendum?

If they are to be elected then the vote needs to be an island wide one for each candidate. Constituency level mandates are not satisfactory for national legislators,or indeed MHK's

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That's the nub of the issue - I'd like to see MLCs elected on a island-wide basis, people we could all agree would make a significant contribution to the future of the island


But do we need them? Would 24 MHKs be enough?

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