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Its fine to endorse murder as long as you don't call anyone a ni**er


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Meanwhile, Larry Wilmore, a black "comedian", said "You Did It, My N***a" at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and everyone thought it was hilarious.

You are having issues as to why its okay for a black comedian to say that, but not a white Irish face of a terrorist organisation?


If a person of one race is allowed to say something that a person of another isn't, that is racist in itself.


You are right despite what rmanx says, and it goes wider. How come there is a "Black Police Officers Association"? http://www.nbpa.co.uk/ or if you prefer, a "Society of Asian Lawyers"? http://www.societyofasianlawyers.co.uk/


Gay black pride anyone? If you like your minorities well mixed: http://www.ukblackpride.org.uk/


How far would you get with corresponding "white" interest groups? Well that would be racist wouldn't it?

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I have trouble understanding why a white policeman's association would be formed for non-racist reasons.

I can understand why an organisation for black officers might be necessary within an organisation with a history of institutional racism. One where there might be one black face in a station and very few in the senior ranks. I can see why they might come together for mutual support and to challenge these issues.

That doesn't threaten me, as a white man, why should it? Having just a Black Officers Association may not be the same for black and white officers but it does not make it unfair or racist because it doesn't disadvantage white officers. The only people it does threaten are people who want to band together to protect their traditional entitlement as white men.

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I have trouble understanding why a white policeman's association would be formed for non-racist reasons.


I can understand why an organisation for black officers might be necessary within an organisation with a history of institutional racism. One where there might be one black face in a station and very few in the senior ranks. I can see why they might come together for mutual support and to challenge these issues.


That doesn't threaten me, as a white man, why should it? Having just a Black Officers Association may not be the same for black and white officers but it does not make it unfair or racist because it doesn't disadvantage white officers. The only people it does threaten are people who want to band together to protect their traditional entitlement as white men.

It might not seem to disadvantage them but it would go a long way to alienating them, thus possibly actually causing racial tension. If we want to move forward towards eliminating racism and racial tensions then there should be complete integration without any exclusive cliques.

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I do see your point and I imagine, long-term the goal is for the need for these organisations will fall away. You don't eliminate racism by pretending it doesn't exist, in case taking action against it alienates racists. People who feel alienated simply by something so minor as other people banding together to seek the same opportunities as they've traditionally enjoyed, must be very insecure.

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You don't eliminate racism by pretending it doesn't exist, in case taking action against it alienates racists. People who feel alienated simply by something so minor as other people banding together to seek the same opportunities as they've traditionally enjoyed, must be very insecure.

Read that again and actually think about what you wrote. There really is no end to the apologism of the left.

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I'm not apologising for anything. I believe that the existence of the Black Police Officers Association, is justified (for the reasons I explaining above), and doesn't disadvantage anyone. In a free society, you have to have a pretty good reason to ban an organisation.

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"They are demonstrably and unashamedly racist". - Can you demonstrate that?


If you are correct, obviously they should be disbanded. But failings in the running of one organisation doesn't make the idea of a Black Police Officer's Association inherently wrong.

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Sorry but really can't get my head around that. Imo any group, organization, club or event that is explicitly formed or designed for one race, to the exclusion of all others is inherently racist. By definition it can't be anything else, and the racist element is compounded by the fact that Caucasian's are to all intents and purposes forbidden to do any thing similar. If a complete removal of any racial inequality is the goal, then no race or creed should be given special privileges denied to any others. Racial equality should be just that, and not one of those cases where everyone is equal bit some are more equal than others.

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But being treated "the same" is not the same as being treated equally and fairly.


You have to look at things in context. It is all about is there a justification and a valid reason for an organisation. The circumstances of the history of institutional racism in the police force provides that justification. Is there a similar justification and need there for a White Policeman's Association? If there is I don't have a problem with it, but I don't see that anyone's put a serious case that one is needed or anyone particularly wants to join it.


Does a University Gay Society discriminate against heterosexuals? Should they set up a mirror image Hetro society for balance, without any real aims that nobody would really want to join.

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But being treated "the same" is not the same as being treated equally and fairly.


You have to look at things in context. It is all about is there a justification and a valid reason for an organisation. The circumstances of the history of institutional racism in the police force provides that justification. Is there a similar justification and need there for a White Policeman's Association? If there is I don't have a problem with it, but I don't see that anyone's put a serious case that one is needed or anyone particularly wants to join it.


Does a University Gay Society discriminate against heterosexuals? Should they set up a mirror image Hetro society for balance, without any real aims that nobody would really want to join.


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You have to look at things in context. It is all about is there a justification and a valid reason for an organisation.

The liberal elite will always find a justification for positive discrimination. They live in a fantasy world where there is a good explanation for every bad idea.


Organisations defined as "Black" or "Asian" are divisive by definition and that is obvious. It is just not good enough to drop all of those lofty inclusive principles applied to society at large simply because these organisations are run by minorities. Surely the first principle of inclusivity has to be one rule for all and minorities should be eager to respect that. We don't see it though. We see all kinds of special pleading mainly, it has to be said, by liberals more often that the minorities themselves. You know the ones. The kind of people who will disgracefully damn an entire police force as institutionally racist.

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