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West Ham football 'fans'


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No, I'm saying that if the things that happen in football happened in a lot of other sports, people would be calling for a ban on those sports. Football seems to get special dispensation.


If the ratio of participants/fatalities/serious injuries that we see in the TT happened in any other sport, they would be banned. The TT gets special dispensation. This thread is stupid.


What has a ratio got to do with anything? If you're dead you're dead - how many people aren't dead when you are isn't really relevant.

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What has a ratio got to do with anything? If you're dead you're dead - how many people aren't dead when you are isn't really relevant.


Hmm, difficult to argue with that I suppose, it isn't going to be relevant to you as a corpse, but I thought it was the high death/injury rate that the naysayers disapproved of?

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What has a ratio got to do with anything? If you're dead you're dead - how many people aren't dead when you are isn't really relevant.


Hmm, difficult to argue with that I suppose, it isn't going to be relevant to you as a corpse, but I thought it was the high death/injury rate that the naysayers disapproved of?


I my experience the naysayers almost always have another agenda. As I have said before, if all they want to do is stop people doing dangerous things and injuring or killing themselves there are far more productive places to start than the TT. However a vast majority of the naysayers, despite what they say, have not the slightest interest whatsoever in the safety of those taking part, they simply dislike the disruption the races cause - but given the fact most of them have chosen to come & live here, this would make their opinion seem rather foolish, so they concentrate on what they see as the least defensible aspect of the races, ie. safety. GC or whatever he currently calls himself is a textbook example of this.


Given that kind of logic, then it is not surprising they prefer to bolster their argument further by referring to death/injury rates rather than just death/injury. Don't get me wrong, they do serve a purpose - if you were making your mind up whether or not to compete in the TT, then these rates would/should be of interest to you so that you can weigh up the risks , the statistics are readily available & no secret so that's fine;


For example if you were a very talented footballer & motorcycle racer, then participant/ death ratios would leave you in no doubt that playing football was safer than doing the TT.


That being said, in terms of body count, taken say over the last ten years, banning the TT would save fewer lives than banning football. If you were to ban something more significant (UK foreign policy for example) then the multiples of lives saved would be much higher.


The point being that a dead body is a dead body. Any untimely death has a profound effect not only on the victim, but on their family and friends. It is not of the slightest consequence to any of them how many people involved in the same activity aren't dead, but it is of a massive consequence to them that their loved one is dead.


To justify death based on rates is to value one life more than another - which is clearly a nonsense.

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The thread was never about fatalities and injuries resulting from accidents anyway, this has already been done to death (so to speak) it's about deliberate fan violence and the way in which it has been allowed to continue in a way that would have called for the immediate banning of most other sports. Of course Manx Taxi Payer knows this, but being a bitter old man with only his ego for company, he seems to have an agenda when it comes to threads on MF, 'start them or derail them'.

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it's about deliberate fan violence and the way in which it has been allowed to continue in a way that would have called for the immediate banning of most other sports.


But what does that even mean? Who is allowing it to continue? What are you talking about? It doesn't make sense.

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Well why didn't you say so? Ok, let's try it this way. If this weeks cycle fest had an incident like the one in the original link, how long do you think it would be before everyone was screaming ''no more cycle fest''? I thought the point was quite simple.

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Well why didn't you say so? Ok, let's try it this way. If this weeks cycle fest had an incident like the one in the original link, how long do you think it would be before everyone was screaming ''no more cycle fest''? I thought the point was quite simple.


The more you write, the madder you get.

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Well why didn't you say so? Ok, let's try it this way. If this weeks cycle fest had an incident like the one in the original link, how long do you think it would be before everyone was screaming ''no more cycle fest''? I thought the point was quite simple.


The more you write, the madder you get.


I haven't been well.

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