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saudi involvement 9/11

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considering over one million people have died in the wrong countries, ISIS has materialised from said countries, threatening us all, preventing the uk leaving the eu and making holidays to turkey pretty much a no-no other than for those who cant afford a holiday elsewhere, i'm rather surprised this news is not being treated with more significance. maybe our bloodlust has been temporarily sated?


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Would that be the Building 7 that had all the paperwork involved in that massive investigation into some missing billions of the states money?


Edit to add: Sorry it was trillion not billion.


September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was missing more than $2.3 trillion dollars...

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Would that be the Building 7 that had all the paperwork involved in that massive investigation into some missing billions of the states money?


Edit to add: Sorry it was trillion not billion.


September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was missing more than $2.3 trillion dollars...


OOhhh be careful rmanx.... You're not allowed to voice your own opinion on this subject.... You have to follow the narrative


Lots of strange things happened on 9/11.... never to be repeated

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Would that be the Building 7 that had all the paperwork involved in that massive investigation into some missing billions of the states money?


Edit to add: Sorry it was trillion not billion.


September 10th 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was missing more than $2.3 trillion dollars...

No I think it was the accounts section of the pentagram that was unfortunately hit the next day by a rather skilled pilot whist evading all detection in possibly the most heavily guarded air space in the world, so unlucky for the investigations....odd how all CCTV tape recordings of the indecent were confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Terror Instigation...

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