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saudi involvement 9/11

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+1 ........... 'error' my arse, how does that stack up with all we are told about precision bombing ?


Badly worded I would say.

The bombing was very precise, it's just that they had the wrong target in their sights.

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+1 ........... 'error' my arse, how does that stack up with all we are told about precision bombing ?

Precision bombing refers to how good the bombs are at hitting what you point them at.


If you point them at the wrong thing it doesn't do any favours. Which is what the story says - human error.

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+1 ........... 'error' my arse, how does that stack up with all we are told about precision bombing ?

Precision bombing refers to how good the bombs are at hitting what you point them at.


If you point them at the wrong thing it doesn't do any favours. Which is what the story says - human error.



I accept that "the story says - human error " whether I believe it is a different matter.


I may have, what some consider, a view that doesn't just shrug my shoulders at "collateral damage" (I do have a good friend who works for MSF) .


Those who sanctioned the attacks were no better than the terrorists or 'self appointed murderers' (as I prefer to call them)..... to claim that they weren't aware that they were bombing a hospital really beggars belief.

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+1 ........... 'error' my arse, how does that stack up with all we are told about precision bombing ?

Precision bombing refers to how good the bombs are at hitting what you point them at.


If you point them at the wrong thing it doesn't do any favours. Which is what the story says - human error.


I accept that "the story says - human error " whether I believe it is a different matter.


I may have, what some consider, a view that doesn't just shrug my shoulders at "collateral damage" (I do have a good friend who works for MSF) .


Those who sanctioned the attacks were no better than the terrorists or 'self appointed murderers' (as I prefer to call them)..... to claim that they weren't aware that they were bombing a hospital really beggars belief.


I'm not sure why you would doubt that it's human error - what would the US gain from striking an MSF hospital?


It wasn't collateral damage as no valid targets were destroyed in the process. It was complete failure.


It's mistakes at several levels - not someone who deliberately sanctioned attacks. The bit that stands out to me in the report is... "The aircraft identified the building based on a visual description provided by Afghan forces". By "Afghan forces" I'm assuming it means ANA and ANP. Having read a lot of stories from US military veterans, the ANA/ANP are at best poorly trained, and at worst downright dangerous.

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but handy scapegoats. i have witnessed at first hand the accuracy or to be more precise accuracy of target designation of the us of a. its the closest i have ever come to dying. but this case is different... they knew the exact co-ordinates of the hospital.

Someone knew the co-ordinates, yes. The military is more analogous to a number of mostly autonomous departments in a business than one monolithic beast. There was a huge failure for lack of communication between departments, leading to the necessary information to prevent the tragedy not being passed on.

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