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American mass shooting


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The guy is a whack-job. Nobody cares.


In your personal opinion which was formed from watching BBC News or reading the Huffington Post.


He's going to be the next president of the United States, so people do or should care. If they don't then they're whack-jobs as you so eloquently put it.


Now instead of regurgitating the bullshit you've been spoon fed about Trump by anti-Trump media outlets, do you have anything to say about the the Islamic terrorist who committed this mass murder????

I have no intention of debating with an angry Trump supporting troll. Thank you.

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As I said, I'm not a Trump supporter. I can see though that you are only interested in saying bad things about Trump and have nothing bad to say about the Islamic terrorist who committed this mass murder. Thank YOU for proving the thesis of my original post on this thread.

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As I said, I'm not a Trump supporter.

I can see though that you are only interested in saying bad things about Trump

Those two statements are rather mutually exclusive don't you think?


As I said you're clearly a troll who has decided to trawl a thread about an awful event to specifically cause offence. I'd say that was pretty low in most people's book. Just as low as Trump trying to leverage off this awful event to enhance his Presidential campaign I suppose (?) I have expressed my condolences and shock at this awful act elsewhere - in the public domain where less pathetic trolls hide under anonymity just to try to cause offence to people because they are either drunk or otherwise mentally impaired in the early hours.

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No, those two statements are not mutually exclusive. A person can be a non Trump supporter while at the same time calling people out for talking shite about him and at the same time as highlighting how reprehensible some people are, coming on a thread like this about an Islamic terrorist attack and badmouthing Trump and yet having not one negative word to say about the Islamic terrorist who committed the mass murder. You've offered no substance to this thread at all except insults, none of which have been against the Islamic terrorist who committed the mass murder. Objective readers (if there are any) will form their own conclusions but I think the only troll here is you. Welcome to my ignore list.

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You're the one who has added little substance to this thread with your ranting to be fair. I'm very glad to be put on your ignore list to be honest. On that basis I expect no further contact with you on this forum. As I said I have expressed my condolences elsewhere and I stand by the one brief line I posted which you blew out of all proportion to try to troll people about this awful event.

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This was a terrible crime, and I really feel for the victims and their relatives. They go to a club to party and are gunned down by a hate filled maniac.


I relly don't see why some people hate others so much. And if you happen to be gay, you get hatred from every angle. Individual states have passed laws that allow descrimination against gay people, Christian pastors such as Kevin Swanson calls for gays to be rounded up and executed, ISIS throw gay men from the top of buildings, and for months now, American lawmakers have been doing the best they can to force transgender people to use specific toilets.


But for me, the most shocking thing about this is how it happens again and again in the US, and yet the top lawmakers do nothing to control guns. Last year, when the democrates tried to pass a law banning people on the no fly list from buying guns, it was blocked by the republicans. That, to me, is shocking. Here is the reaction from Connectcut's Senators:




As for Trump. Well, months ago he stated that on his first day in office he would ban "gun free" zones. He wants people to be able to carry guns anywhere they want, to protect themselves. That to me is astounding. Every time there is a gun attack in the US, the answer seems to be "we need more guns".


I fear this is Trumps 9-11. While other politicians will be reasonable and think before they speak, Trump will up his hate speach a few notches and this never ending cycle of violence will go on and on.

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A well regulated militia would not allow its arms to be freely available to its enemies.


Commiserations to all those affected by this atrocity.


Islamic extremism thrives in polarised victimised communities and wants to divide and sow division.

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A well regulated militia would not allow its arms to be freely available to its enemies.


Commiserations to all those affected by this atrocity.


Islamic extremism thrives in polarised victimised communities and wants to divide and sow division.


I agree Chinahand re the regulated militia.


I do wonder if he was an Islamic extremist. Well, he was an extremist of course, and he was a Muslim, but did he really commit this crime in the belief that he was doing it for his God?


From what has been in the press so far, he seems to have the same traits that most of the other mass shooters have. Failed marriage, low paid job ( G4S), does not get on with his co-workers ( his coworkers reported him for his extream views). His exwife said he was not particuarly religious, but they did divorce a few years ago so who knows what happened in the meantime.


So yes, he was an Islamic extremist, but was he recuited by ISIS? I doubt it very much. I suspect he was a lone wolf young angry man, who latched onto ISIS to justify taking his anger out on a group of people he hated.


He was an Islamic extremist, but I dont feel that was the drive that led him to commit this attrocity.


Why did he target a gay club when the party was in full swing? I think that is very telling.


Ultimately of course, Religion is to blame.

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I suppose in a way that US gun attitudes are a little like the attitudes of the TT fans. Everyone knows that they're massively harmful and dangerous and that something needs to be done but no one knows what or how to do something about it.

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I suppose in a way that US gun attitudes are a little like the attitudes of the TT fans. Everyone knows that they're massively harmful and dangerous and that something needs to be done but no one knows what or how to do something about it.

Not a good comparison.


A suicidal TT rider is hardly likely to crash his bike into a packed gay club to take out as many people as he can.


And bikes are not designed to kill. In fact, bikes and cars in the USA are more legislated than guns. One needs a license to drive. One needs to pass a test to get that license.


Not so with guns in many US states.

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Yeh what does Trump or the US Constitution have to do with some Muslim asshole murdering 50+ gay people? Nothing. The weapon he used is already illegal and not covered by the 2nd Amendment. The safe zone argument makes no sense because if all the gays had been armed then this Muslim terrorist wouldn't have lasted 10 seconds before people defeneded themselves. RIP

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