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American mass shooting


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Yeh what does Trump or the US Constitution have to do with some Muslim asshole murdering 50+ gay people? Nothing. The weapon he used is already illegal and not covered by the 2nd Amendment. The safe zone argument makes no sense because if all the gays had been armed then this Muslim terrorist wouldn't have lasted 10 seconds before people defeneded themselves. RIP

The guns were legal. The assault rifle ban lapsed many years ago. Some states have limits on magazine capacity, but I am sure Florida does not have that law.


So, you think its ok for people drinking in a bar to be carrying?


How many people would die if that was allowed? Maybe not 50 at a time, or twenty at a time a handful of times a year. I suspect it would result in hundreds of individual shooting every night.


Oh wait.. That happens anyway.


What are the numbers? Last year, from memory, 367 mass shootings in the USA.


How many mass shootings in "gun free" UK last year?


Edit to add, semi auto Ar15 is legal. Full auto is illegal in the US. So no machine guns allowed. But the ar15 will fire as quick as you can pull the trigger. And it fires 5.56 NATO or .223 rem. These small, high velocity rounds have been the subject of investigations over wither or not they contravene the Geneva convention. They are designed to wound rather than kill. They are not suitable for hunting. They are designed for human warfare, not picking off elk at 500 yards.

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Once again, rather than blaming those involved, the Western world has turned on it's decadent self. There's a solution, it's just not palatable to the mindset.

Presumably you mean better mental healthcare? To stop people like this falling through the net.


This is about mental health.

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I had a long online chat today with an American friend. A gun toting 2nd amendment republican. He owns several AR15s. He was 14 years in the military,and retired as a staff Sargent.


We talked about calibers, the damage different rounds do, high capacity magazines,pistol as a side arm to fend off rushes as the magazine is being changed.


My aim was to convince him that high capacity magazines should be banned.


I was winning the argument. We went back and forward for 2 hours. We agreed on some stuff,disagreed on others.


Bit then,all of a sudden, he said.. "The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim"


So basically, because my American mate wants to keep a couple of AR15s in his wardrobe, he needs to justify it by saying he needs it to defend himself against evil Muslims.


Stupid or what?


He has friends all over the world. He is an OK guy. He is not racist, he is not a bigot,but he wants to keep his guns.And he will proclaim whatever he needs to do that.


Oh,he mentioned the normal defense against corrupt government stuff.

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Not many people know about this. Its actually illegal for US federal funds to be used in gun crime research.


Shocking. Not really.


Its not the gun manufacture. Its the NRA. A few years back, Smith and Wesson committed themselves to make safe guns. Finger print pads and all that. The NRA said no. They called for a smith and wesson boycot. The NRA won.

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I have a plan that would maybe discourage these loons. What if, when something like this happens, instead of giving the person publicity for killing loads of people they just put out a poster of them labelling them as king of which ever minority they've picked on? If Johnny Isis thinks the world will remember him as King of the clubbers/concert goers/train beggars he might think twice about doing it, if it stopped one, it would be worth it.

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He is no more an Islamic terrorist than McVey was a Christian terrorist.


This is a case of domestic terrorism. He was an American born citizen, not someone who was smuggled in with the express intention of killing people.


The sooner people learn to look at the bigger problems, that being civilians with access to weapons of mass murder and poos mental health care, the sooner these incidents will become a footnote in history rather than an almost daily occurrence.

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Once again, rather than blaming those involved, the Western world has turned on it's decadent self. There's a solution, it's just not palatable to the mindset.

Presumably you mean better mental healthcare? To stop people like this falling through the net.


This is about mental health.


Pongo, I think it is more than that - an Islamic Terrorist group is targeting vulnerable people.


These people have a conservative religious outlook - they believe homosexuality is a sin worthy of a death sentence, as is idolatry or blasthemy.


The extremists take this religious outlook and use it to twist them to being actively violent.


If the Holy Book didn't encourage beheadings and Jihad it would be a lot harder for the extremists to successfully target the vulnerable - the religion means they are pushing on an open door.


Just saying this is a mental health issue is missing too big a part of the picture.

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