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Murder of an MP


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No, because they're a bunch of pitiful racist cunts.

Of which one of their membership stabbed an MP to death.


I heard about this camping trip to Wales, where survival and "knife fighting drills" were carried out.


If they had been slightly brown, half of countries police would have been in attendance.


Britain First and the like are a far bigger threat to the peace and stability of the country than Muslims are.

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No, because they're a bunch of pitiful racist cunts.

Of which one of their membership stabbed an MP to death.


I heard about this camping trip to Wales, where survival and "knife fighting drills" were carried out.


If they had been slightly brown, half of countries police would have been in attendance.


Britain First and the like are a far bigger threat to the peace and stability of the country than Muslims are.

They're not though are they?

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No, because they're a bunch of pitiful racist cunts.

Of which one of their membership stabbed an MP to death.

I heard about this camping trip to Wales, where survival and "knife fighting drills" were carried out.

If they had been slightly brown, half of countries police would have been in attendance.

Britain First and the like are a far bigger threat to the peace and stability of the country than Muslims are.

The sad thing for me is that she died because that nutter thought the remain campaign would win so he decided to take his frustration out on an MP but his side did win in the end. Johnson and Gove and this whole flawed lying campaign are culpable in her death as far as I'm concerned. They whipped up a frenzy that some of the extremist nutters got caught up in, and all the while they didn't even think they'd have to do anything as we'd be remaining anyway. Now they're running 100mph in the other direction as this isn't the result they thought they'd have to deal with.

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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.
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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.

I don't at all. The guy is a lying, filthy, piece of shit.

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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.

I don't at all. The guy is a lying, filthy, piece of shit.

you seem to be in much the same frame of mind as the accused,is this remainiac rage ready to explode?
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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.

I don't at all. The guy is a lying, filthy, piece of shit.

you seem to be in much the same frame of mind as the accused,is this remainiac rage ready to explode?

That fat shit has polarized the whole of the U.K and he should not be allowed to walk away from it at all. Just read Jamie Oliver's Tweet and he's right - whatever happens this arrogant, fat, lying, cunt, is no suitable candidate for Downing Street and should be actively discouraged from profiting from this death, hatred and nastiness.

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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.

I don't at all. The guy is a lying, filthy, piece of shit.

you seem to be in much the same frame of mind as the accused,is this remainiac rage ready to explode?

That fat shit has polarized the whole of the U.K and he should not be allowed to walk away from it at all. Just read Jamie Oliver's Tweet and he's right - whatever happens this arrogant, fat, lying, cunt, is no suitable candidate for Downing Street and should be actively discouraged from profiting from this death, hatred and nastiness.

he has to use your words "polarised" 48% of the electorate but many people are very very happy,so dont be a bad loser and go see a shrink.
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Disgraceful. "If you don't come to the same conclusion as me, you're stupid, or racist, or even a murderer." Is it at all possible that "remain" might have had it wrong?

Not al all. In fact I would go further in relation to Johnson. He might play the public school buffoon but he deserves taking down for this whole Project Fear Campaign. By taking down I mean at the very least shown up in the media for what he is - a smug, fat, lying, Machiavellian, piece of shit who was instrumental in whipping up fear and ignorance which was picked up by far right groups which resulted in the death of Jo Carr and other nastiness like the racist cards being left in people's porches as reported on the evening news tonight. The man is scum. He might pull the funny faces and the old Eton buffoon routine but tactics he was instrumental in deploying and disseminating have not only been lies (which is bad enough) but lies that have galvanised people to undertake racist attacks and murder. There is no way on earth that fat piece of shit should now have any chance of even being considered for PM of the United Kingdom. They should just stick him in a barrel and bury him alive on Dartmoor where nobody will ever see or hear from him again.

i think you need help,a special kind of help.

I don't at all. The guy is a lying, filthy, piece of shit.

you seem to be in much the same frame of mind as the accused,is this remainiac rage ready to explode?

That fat shit has polarized the whole of the U.K and he should not be allowed to walk away from it at all. Just read Jamie Oliver's Tweet and he's right - whatever happens this arrogant, fat, lying, cunt, is no suitable candidate for Downing Street and should be actively discouraged from profiting from this death, hatred and nastiness.

he has to use your words "polarised" 48% of the electorate but many people are very very happy,so dont be a bad loser and go see a shrink.

The guy is a liar. A no good lying piece of shit. He does a good routine in Eton foppishness but it's all a lie. He's fought a dirty lying campaign from the start - he fronted a dirty filthy racist campaign which has dragged in Britain First (a member of which shot to death an MP) and all the other right wing nutters into it. He is not fit for Downing Street. In fact he's not fit to lick the shit out of an AIDS victims asshole on live TV. He's a filthy lying fat piece of shit who deserves no future role in anything. Hopefully he will fuck off into the ether and have no future role in anything. Fucking fat lying cunt with blood on his hands.

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The guy is a liar. A no good lying piece of shit. He does a good routine in Eton foppishness but it's all a lie. He's fought a dirty lying campaign from the start - he fronted a dirty filthy racist campaign which has dragged in Britain First (a member of which shot to death an MP) and all the other right wing nutters into it. He is not fit for Downing Street. In fact he's not fit to lick the shit out of an AIDS victims asshole on live TV. He's a filthy lying fat piece of shit who deserves no future role in anything. Hopefully he will fuck off into the ether and have no future role in anything. Fucking fat lying cunt with blood on his hands.




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The guy is a liar. A no good lying piece of shit. He does a good routine in Eton foppishness but it's all a lie. He's fought a dirty lying campaign from the start - he fronted a dirty filthy racist campaign which has dragged in Britain First (a member of which shot to death an MP) and all the other right wing nutters into it. He is not fit for Downing Street. In fact he's not fit to lick the shit out of an AIDS victims asshole on live TV. He's a filthy lying fat piece of shit who deserves no future role in anything. Hopefully he will fuck off into the ether and have no future role in anything. Fucking fat lying cunt with blood on his hands.



At least it's honest, although I doubt the Guardian will be publishing it.

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I am not usually a betting man, but I would wager that in a few years time, or even sooner, most of what OMF is posting will have been proved to be correct.

I have always liked Boris, but after this latest fiasco I am with OMF.

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