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Murder of an MP


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I am not usually a betting man, but I would wager that in a few years time, or even sooner, most of what OMF is posting will have been proved to be correct.

Was it the bit about rimming an aids sufferer that swung it for you?



I am not even sure that I know what that entails, having lead a somewhat sheltered life.

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The guy is a liar. A no good lying piece of shit. He does a good routine in Eton foppishness but it's all a lie. He's fought a dirty lying campaign from the start - he fronted a dirty filthy racist campaign which has dragged in Britain First (a member of which shot to death an MP) and all the other right wing nutters into it. He is not fit for Downing Street. In fact he's not fit to lick the shit out of an AIDS victims asshole on live TV. He's a filthy lying fat piece of shit who deserves no future role in anything. Hopefully he will fuck off into the ether and have no future role in anything. Fucking fat lying cunt with blood on his hands.


So speaks the voice of reason.


However. I also have grave doubts about Boris. Particularly as he only came over to "leave" a few weeks earlier having supposedly agonised with his conscience. I see him as an opportunist and not a statesman. Actually, with his background and demeanour, I can't help thinking MacDonald Fraser's "Flashman" whenever I see him.

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I'd agree with that, Johnson would have been for remain if Cameron was for leave. It is pure and simple political gamesmanship from a man who is desperate to be Prime Minister. Or maybe I should say was, as I'm not sure he'll be so keen to take over given the current issues.

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Most of the Brexiteers are romantics with this 'Flashman'-ian vision of a freebooting Britain giving it one to jolly foreigner - especially if said foreigner is also a bureaucrat trying to explain VAT regulation 628 sub-section ciii (a).


They couldn't comprehend a meeting to harmonize electromagnetic interference regulations and would sit there flicking rolled up bits of paper at the Belgian in charge.


Such people have no understanding of the world of priviledge they swim in totally unaware of the servants, nannies, repairmen, engineers, sewage workers and shoe cleaners who keep their world quietly ticking away.


Woolley thinks he can abolish all the EU regulations with a one page piece of legislation.


It is genuinely sad he thinks this way, and to be honest I'm genuinely surprised he thinks this way - are you going to throw out all the standards documents used in your company's design office too, Woolley?


This mind set thinks rules and regulations are for other, little people, while they can just storm around saving the world.


It is genuinely sad to see their sheepish look when they suddenly realize they've got to go and decide exactly what EU legislation should be retained and which should negotiated away.


They haven't the patience or the detailed ability to comprehend such issues.


The result is going to be years of gridlock and confusion.

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It was a throwaway remark, China, responding to the ridiculous notion that there is 10 years of lawyers' gravy train in this. I didn't really believe I would do it myself in a week! Your problem is that you take everything too literally! And you have the opinion that anyone who questions your wisdom is stupid. Other than that I enjoy your posts.

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I kind of think Boris was sort of hoping for a narrow remain vote. Brexit Torys rebel against Dave and sweep Boris into power.


Of course he was. He's a liar who was prepared to stoop as low as he was prepared to go to attack Cameron and get PM. However, in the end he stooped too low with Project Fear and managed to very successfully galvanize all the nutters like Britain First and their racist (and ultimately murderous) agenda. Now I bet he doesn't want to be PM as who would want to have to pick this steaming turd up? The whole country is now a powder keg of resentment and unrestrained racism which is going to tear parts of it apart.

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The whole country is now a powder keg of resentment and unrestrained racism which is going to tear parts of it apart.


I have little time for Boris, but I don't think you can lay the state of the country in this respect at his door. If things are as bad as you say above, it is the result of the unheeding policies of successive governments over decades. They have created this and turned a blind eye.

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The whole country is now a powder keg of resentment and unrestrained racism which is going to tear parts of it apart.


I have little time for Boris, but I don't think you can lay the state of the country in this respect at his door. If things are as bad as you say above, it is the result of the unheeding policies of successive governments over decades. They have created this and turned a blind eye.

He and his Project Fear chums tuned into this and amplified it for effect. However they were too successful when all they wanted to do was leverage off it - not to turn the tables or the actual balance of power. That's quite cynical considering a very inspiring MP got shot when some people channelled those feelings that were being deliberately amplified. I'm sorry but the UK is left with a country today which has clearly said - no blacks, no dogs, no Irish to the people of 27 nations who have come to the UK to work and contribute to UK society and Boris has played a huge part in that. The guy is a piece of shit.

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It was a throwaway remark, China, responding to the ridiculous notion that there is 10 years of lawyers' gravy train in this. I didn't really believe I would do it myself in a week! Your problem is that you take everything too literally! And you have the opinion that anyone who questions your wisdom is stupid. Other than that I enjoy your posts.


But that's all his posts?

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The whole country is now a powder keg of resentment and unrestrained racism which is going to tear parts of it apart.

I have little time for Boris, but I don't think you can lay the state of the country in this respect at his door. If things are as bad as you say above, it is the result of the unheeding policies of successive governments over decades. They have created this and turned a blind eye.

He and his Project Fear chums tuned into this and amplified it for effect. However they were too successful when all they wanted to do was leverage off it - not to turn the tables or the actual balance of power. That's quite cynical considering a very inspiring MP got shot when some people channelled those feelings that were being deliberately amplified. I'm sorry but the UK is left with a country today which has clearly said - no blacks, no dogs, no Irish to the people of 27 nations who have come to the UK to work and contribute to UK society and Boris has played a huge part in that. The guy is a piece of shit.


so are you and any more threatening posts like these and i shall have to inform the police,now quiet down and get back in your kennel.

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