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Murder of an MP


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It has created a lot of uncertainty; plus the exchange rate movements are playing havoc with budgets - at least we had split our funding into separate € and £ budgets, but the currency movements have been much more than expected and far more wide ranging.


If you go here you'll find the Bank of England's Effective exchange rate which weights the value of the pound against its trading partners.


The index fell 5.9 points (a 6.75% drop) on the day the Brexit result was announced. That is by far the largest move that has occurred since the index was started in 1990 - dropping out of the ERM "only" caused a drop of 2.9 points (3.04%).


It is going to cost a whole lot more than we expected to to get non-UK products. Plus we rely on European cooperation and market access in a highly regulated EU market segment.


Worries, you bet.

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The whole country is now a powder keg of resentment and unrestrained racism which is going to tear parts of it apart.


I have little time for Boris, but I don't think you can lay the state of the country in this respect at his door. If things are as bad as you say above, it is the result of the unheeding policies of successive governments over decades. They have created this and turned a blind eye.

He and his Project Fear chums tuned into this and amplified it for effect. However they were too successful when all they wanted to do was leverage off it - not to turn the tables or the actual balance of power. That's quite cynical considering a very inspiring MP got shot when some people channelled those feelings that were being deliberately amplified. I'm sorry but the UK is left with a country today which has clearly said - no blacks, no dogs, no Irish to the people of 27 nations who have come to the UK to work and contribute to UK society and Boris has played a huge part in that. The guy is a piece of shit.

so are you and any more threatening posts like these and i shall have to inform the police,now quiet down and get back in your kennel.

Do what you fucking like.

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That fat shit has polarized the whole of the U.K and he should not be allowed to walk away from it at all. Just read Jamie Oliver's Tweet and he's right - whatever happens this arrogant, fat, lying, cunt, is no suitable candidate for Downing Street and should be actively discouraged from profiting from this death, hatred and nastiness.

Ha ha, he even knows he isn't fit for Downing Street himself. Farewell Boris you fat useless cunt who didn't have the balls to back up even one word of what you said. He should be tried for treason. Oversold the fear factor and then fucked off when he was required to back it all up.


Piece of shit.

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