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Cycling in Fog

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There really is a lot of hatred between cyclists and car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, cyclists and motorbike riders .......


but yeh, it's the car drivers, pedestrians, horse riders and motorbike riders who are at fault.

Let's do a count of the threads on MF started by car drivers against cyclists. Dozens.


Then cyclists against car drivers. Nil.

Then pedestrians against horseriders. Nil

Then tractor drivers against cyclists. Nil

Then...you get the drift.


All threads of this ilk are car drivers against cyclists.



There really is a lot of hatred from car drivers towards cyclists



I also think it highlights the level of intelligence of the "haters" on here, because the logic behind the hatred is obvious.


1. The Island has lots of roads with limited passing opportunity

2. The Island has a lot of cyclists on said roads.

3. The Island has lots of car drivers with somewhere really important to get to


Cyclists don't get this elsewhere in places where dual carriageways are the norm. Or have cycle lanes/paths


The car drivers don't hate the cyclists quite so much on Peel Road when they're in their lane. Ever noticed that?


If there were the same number of horse-riders as cyclists on the manx roads preventing you from getting to your really important thing, then you'd hate them just as much.


Note: I cycle, drive a car, walk to work and used to ride a motorbike.

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anybody that is a cyclist and can't admit that some in their number act like total bellends on the roads is themselves by definition a bellend

There is the same proportion of bellends in all sub-categories of humanity.


Yes. Some cyclists are bellends.

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Guest MrFunk

When you've got people relying on our shit road network to make a living, be it commuting, deliveries or getting from job to job and you've also got another group of people using the same narrow roads at dawdling pace for their leisure you'll always get angst. From my own experience a lot of the bellend category cyclists seem to be well-to-do local Douglas office workers who have no fucking concept of this, they can't see past their own hobby. Personally I think there are enough quiet roads over here to satisfy most peoples hobby, or if they want to use the main artery roads there's a right time and a wrong time. What I am sure off is that if you decided to get in the way of their work by sitting on their keyboard there would be all sorts of hissy fits.

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When you've got people relying on our shit road network to make a living, be it commuting, deliveries or getting from job to job and you've also got another group of people using the same narrow roads at dawdling pace for their leisure you'll always get angst. From my own experience a lot of the bellend category cyclists seem to be well-to-do local Douglas office workers who have no fucking concept of this, they can't see past their own hobby. Personally I think there are enough quiet roads over here to satisfy most peoples hobby, or if they want to use the main artery roads there's a right time and a wrong time. What I am sure off is that if you decided to get in the way of their work by sitting on their keyboard there would be all sorts of hissy fits.

That's hard to argue against. Specific, factual...a bit ranty.


Not just "cyclists are lycra gays" which is the usual level of sentiment found on these threads.


Although I'm not sure about quiet roads anymore. Also, by far the largest sector cyclists come from is Fire and Police.

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When you've got people relying on our shit road network to make a living, be it commuting, deliveries or getting from job to job and you've also got another group of people using the same narrow roads at dawdling pace for their leisure you'll always get angst. From my own experience a lot of the bellend category cyclists seem to be well-to-do local Douglas office workers who have no fucking concept of this, they can't see past their own hobby. Personally I think there are enough quiet roads over here to satisfy most peoples hobby, or if they want to use the main artery roads there's a right time and a wrong time. What I am sure off is that if you decided to get in the way of their work by sitting on their keyboard there would be all sorts of hissy fits.

That's hard to argue against. Specific, factual...a bit ranty.


Not just "cyclists are lycra gays" which is the usual level of sentiment found on these threads.


Although I'm not sure about quiet roads anymore. Also, by far the largest sector cyclists come from is Fire and Police.


Is that anecdotal or do you have a source? Not trying to be a dick - just being nosy really.
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Anecdotal. Although very widely known. The Fire (esp.) and Police teams usually dominate the end of year TT relay. With no need to bring in ringers. Looking through recent event start sheets, no other particular group registers as significant.

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why don't they try having fun somewhere other than the north of the island for once?

I understand your point. There is a weekly time trial and weekly race held down north. Probably the reason being is the roads are considerably quieter and not necessarily a major thoroughfare. I reckon they wouldn't be able to organise such meetings elsewhere on the island. They did organise criterium in other villages but it never really took off, I think the Port Erin one is still a goer.


Please chill out on the road, there is no where on this island that you need to get to that urgently. We all know what happened in Kirk Michael, we don't want anymore. Please.


Right I'm off for a spin...

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Anecdotal. Although very widely known. The Fire (esp.) and Police teams usually dominate the end of year TT relay. With no need to bring in ringers. Looking through recent event start sheets, no other particular group registers as significant.

I reckon a manxforums team would do OK...

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