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Brutal New York Times report on UK and Brexit

Barrie Stevens

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Once again the New York Times hits the bottom line....(See above link)


Seems that the EU will rush the UK out of the door within two years but refuse to discuss trade until it is fully out and that could spin out for another seven years hence the UK's assessment of ten years to settle Brexit...


In other words the UK will be an outsider and treated as a Third Country and any subsequent entry to the Single Market especially for City and financial services will require a large degree of EU immigration to continue....


This will hit the Isle of Man hard as well...."May you live in interesting times!"

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Once again the New York Times hits the bottom line....(See above link)


Seems that the EU will rush the UK out of the door within two years but refuse to discuss trade until it is fully out and that could spin out for another seven years hence the UK's assessment of ten years to settle Brexit...


In other words the UK will be an outsider and treated as a Third Country and any subsequent entry to the Single Market especially for City and financial services will require a large degree of EU immigration to continue....


This will hit the Isle of Man hard as well...."May you live in interesting times!"


Thanks Barrie, but my family have voted to LEAVE the EU. We decided, at very early stage of the debate, to stick to our views and to ignore the bullies!

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Once again the New York Times hits the bottom line....(See above link)


Seems that the EU will rush the UK out of the door within two years but refuse to discuss trade until it is fully out and that could spin out for another seven years hence the UK's assessment of ten years to settle Brexit...


In other words the UK will be an outsider and treated as a Third Country and any subsequent entry to the Single Market especially for City and financial services will require a large degree of EU immigration to continue....


This will hit the Isle of Man hard as well...."May you live in interesting times!"


Thanks Barrie, but my family have voted to LEAVE the EU. We decided, at very early stage of the debate, to stick to our views and to ignore the bullies!



Down on my manor and the saloon bar of the "Lamb and Flag" most punters blindly assume that it will be all done and dusted on 24th June 2016...No one seems to be aware of the protracted negotiations in store or of the limbo time ahead...No one wants to be told that it could all drag on for another ten years all told....Well up to them but boy is there going to be a butcher's bill if there is Brexit....Interesting though!

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. . . there going to be a butcher's bill if there is Brexit . . .



Alternatively, everybody calms down, respects the vote and gets down to the neceessary administration.



Not much chance of that the Brexiters have been agitating for a referendum and exit for decades, they'll never accept a remain vote and will carry on their hedonistic campaign long after the vote is over.

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It makes not a jot of difference in the long run. The EU is disintegrating anyway. Nothing is forever. And such an unholy alliance as the EU is so congenitally deformed that it cannot survive for long. As for trade in the short to medium term, things will continue much as before in the event of "out". Germany has a balance of trade surplus with the UK and they won't give that up.

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