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I heard that interview Stu did with David fowler the other day. I don't know How (or if) Stu managed to keep a straight face!


The candidate sounded like a dead ringer for "Eric Pode of Croydon".


Theme Park for the IOM? LEGOLAND Windsor gets 2 million+ visitors a year, and why would people from the North drive down there when they could just "nip across" to the Island? Cost of petrol versus cost of flights/ferries?


Windsor/Maidenhead has a population of approx. 145,000 against our 85,000, and it has a rather large catchment area nearby - Greater London, with several million residents and visitors.


LEGOLAND Windsor covers an area of 150 acres. Where would you put that on the Island?


Where would you accommodate the huge number of visitors this would apparently bring in?


Then you could have dolphins at the Marine Centre in Peel. Oh yeh? People on this forum complain enough about tram horses. What would they think about a few caged dolphins?


IQ of 164? Is that a negative 164?


Have a laugh. Listen to him at http://www.manxradio.com/election-2016/candidates-2016-folder/david-fowler-douglas-central-2016/


I've listened all the way through twice. It's comedy gold.

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I heard that interview Stu did with David fowler the other day. I don't know How (or if) Stu managed to keep a straight face!


The candidate sounded like a dead ringer for "Eric Pode of Croydon".


Theme Park for the IOM? LEGOLAND Windsor gets 2 million+ visitors a year, and why would people from the North drive down there when they could just "nip across" to the Island? Cost of petrol versus cost of flights/ferries?


Windsor/Maidenhead has a population of approx. 145,000 against our 85,000, and it has a rather large catchment area nearby - Greater London, with several million residents and visitors.


LEGOLAND Windsor covers an area of 150 acres. Where would you put that on the Island?


Where would you accommodate the huge number of visitors this would apparently bring in?


Then you could have dolphins at the Marine Centre in Peel. Oh yeh? People on this forum complain enough about tram horses. What would they think about a few caged dolphins?


IQ of 164? Is that a negative 164?


Have a laugh. Listen to him at http://www.manxradio.com/election-2016/candidates-2016-folder/david-fowler-douglas-central-2016/


I've listened all the way through twice. It's comedy gold.


It's a bit like a parody of himself, in a way. I can't think who he reminds me of either, but yes, it is comical, but very sad too, both for him and us.


I think John Moss is amazing. How he didn't burst out laughing, just don't know.

Unlike this fella. https://youtu.be/hSFWgKl-O-A

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Maybe he's just not good on presentation? Nerves and that? Trying to be too laid back?


I hope he is better at cutting grass, because he won't cut the mustard as a politician.

God that is lame, he is way cooler than you, I vote Chauncey.

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Drove through farmhill this morning, the gardener certainly has an effective poster campaign going, not seen that many posters since Kevin Woodford and buster blitzkrieged Douglas promenade.



Well yes, but were the posters in the windows or in the gardens? wink.png


There's an important point here though. Everyone thinks Douglas 'South' is 'about' Pulrose or at best about Pulrose and Anagh Coar. So they assume it is all about keeping council tenants sweet and little else. But actually over 60% of the voters live in the Ballaughton polling district (mostly Farmhill) and there are also areas of private housing in the other two parts as well. So if you want to get elected, you have to win in Farmhill.


Which doesn't explain why, apart from Beecroft, there is not just a lack of decent candidates but a lack of candidates there generally.

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Cat Turner needs to wind her neck in too.


Moronic bint thumbsup.gif


More importantly, the so called "bint" ( not my term ) with Cretney is a company director/owner who lives in a council house in Hillside Ave. Lynn Sirdefield - MLP

How does that work then, when so many people are working for minimum wage and are paying silly money to rent in the private sector ?

Do some folk not have a conscience?


She hasn't a good history either, lived with fireman in his house and he had to take her to court to get her to move out, it cost him 25k plus the bills she had run up during time she was in house.

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