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Well if he comes round my way I will!


Because of my late decision to stand, it isn't going to be possible to get out to many people by knocking on doors. I'm actually still working next week, then only taking a couple of weeks off before the election.


However, if anyone who lives in Douglas South would like to contact me, I'll be happy to arrange to visit you at a convenient time. I've had a couple of people text me to arrange a visit so if you'd like to wait a few days, so as to protect your Manx Forums identity, then email me keith.fitton@manx.net, phone/text 235043 or contact via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DouglasSouth2016/


I don't live in South Douglas. I have no opportunity to vote for you or any other in that constituency. If you are elected what are your plans to introduce,and how long do you think it will take before we have valid democratic system in place?


Edit To Add: or should I just assume you as a Douglas South local representative only? A sort of over paid Local Councillor,shall we say.

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I know of a couple who recently gave Cannan a good going over with a list of highly relevant questions. He didn't come out of it at all well.

I don't think Cannan is at all bright. He sounds quite convincing when delivering a pre-prepared soliloquy, but is poor when "thinking on his feet". As I've commented before, he was routinely taken to the cleaners by Ms Moffatt when they were playing "radio tennis" with tit for tat interviews on industrial relations topics. He flatters to deceive.

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His judgement is good tho' IMHO


An excellent chair of the public accounts committee

Perhaps so, but think about it...chair of PAC is the politicians' dream...gives you a high public profile, no responsibility, and all the time in the world to come up with your 100% hindsight, clever-arse assessment months after events where others (generally Ministers) had to make decisions with less time luxury. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Ministers and civil servants frittering away our money, but chair of PAC is piss-easy. Put Cannan in a Minister's seat and see how he shapes up - less well than you'll be expecting I reckon Donald.

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I'm not defending Ministers and civil servants frittering away our money, but chair of PAC is piss-easy. Put Cannan in a Minister's seat and see how he shapes up - less well than you'll be expecting I reckon Donald.

He won't get the shot of that as he wont toe the COMiN line which to me makes your argument irrelevant.

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Lisvane has suggested it be given more teeth

He also suggested the Bishop's position was relevant. He seems to be another academic dick to me.


Also,it isn't just teeth the PAC needs. In such a sycophantic system as ours a complete independence of the committees needs to be assured before anything useful will be achieved.

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...more teeth....independence.....respect....


If only we had a thing, we could call it a Council, made up of senior politicans and leaders in our socety, to provide these things. It would be like an Upper House of the Keys and yet still part of Tynwald...


If only.

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To be fair, that's a pretty good manifesto.

You must aim pretty low. It is full of good sounding vagueness and no actual information on how any of it would be implementable. Still, as long as the pedestrian crossing gets repainted.


I noticed last week that that zebra crossing has been repainted. Fowler must be gutted.

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Well if he comes round my way I will!


Because of my late decision to stand, it isn't going to be possible to get out to many people by knocking on doors. I'm actually still working next week, then only taking a couple of weeks off before the election.


However, if anyone who lives in Douglas South would like to contact me, I'll be happy to arrange to visit you at a convenient time. I've had a couple of people text me to arrange a visit so if you'd like to wait a few days, so as to protect your Manx Forums identity, then email me keith.fitton@manx.net, phone/text 235043 or contact via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DouglasSouth2016/


I don't live in South Douglas. I have no opportunity to vote for you or any other in that constituency. If you are elected what are your plans to introduce,and how long do you think it will take before we have valid democratic system in place?


Edit To Add: or should I just assume you as a Douglas South local representative only? A sort of over paid Local Councillor,shall we say.



Well, first off, I'm going to try and avoid making promises I may not be able to keep. What I would like to do, what I intend to do and what I'll actually be able to achieve are three different things. If elected, I'm certainly not going to be the Chief Minister, so what I could achieve will depend largely upon who the new CM is and what their programme for government looks like.


In terms of improving our democratic system, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Lord Lisvane's report as I fully expected it to be a cosy establishment 'everything is fine'. In fact he's produced a decent report in my opinion. There are some areas that I disagree with and would like to see further action. I don't think the Bishop should have a role in government and I'd like to see Legislative Council reduced in size. I'm also concerned that the proposed committee to recommended nominations for new LC members would become an establishment committee in itself, 'recommending the right people'. But, in general, I can accept the parts of the report that I disagree with, if it meant getting the important aspects through. Key among those would be (in my opinion) MLC's not able to be Ministers or Department Members and sitting MHK's not being eligible for nomination to MLC.


As for 'how long'? I think that there are times when our government spends forever navel gazing rather than actually making a difference. They appeared to spend more time discussing whether or not they should pay for parking than they did on important issues like a definition of 'fuel poverty' & how many pensioners are in it, or the increased need for food banks on the Isle of Man. So although Lord Lisvane suggested that his recommendations could be a 'pick & mix', I would rather accept it in entirety and get on with it, rather than spend forever arguing over pet interests and getting nowhere. If that means that I would keep my mouth shut regarding the Bishop remaining, in exchange for getting the rest of it through, then that's a pragmatic response that I would be happy with.


So as an example of the original point, what I would like is for the Bishop not to have a position in government but what I would do, is accept his position if it meant even more important issues got through in a timely manner.

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Manx folk won't wear the 'nominations committee', no matter how much Lisvane was delighted by his own idea


The programme for government isn't the Chief Mnister's, tho' presumably the person who can actually put one together will become the Chief Minister


Make sure you have at least one item you want to see in the PFG, presumably you'll get it in order for the CM to have your support

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