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pray for turkey

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Yes I must be mad as the story no longer exists, must be my error, USA today that reported the swift reopening of the airport have since pulled the article. hmm and the way back machine didn't archive it either.




In March Brussels international airport was closed for 12 days after the attack. Turkey 4 1/2 hours.


Looking at historical events, would it be considered as mad if you mused the possibility that in order to push a particular adjenda would a government allow the filming and televising of a training exercise in an airport and sell it to the public as a real event, in order to get a reaction from the public that would then justify policies to be passed that otherwise would not be popular. Have they ever done this before?


The American government wants to disarm the population, what is happening now?


Western governments want to invade the middle east, what happened that justified this intention?


America wants to join/start a war (ww1, ww2, Vietnam, Iraq,,,,) that would not be supported by the people, what happens to change their minds?


Hitler wants to invade Poland, what happened to justify this?


Who's future goals benefit from the world believing that terrorists with Russian connections from evil training camps in Syria did this latest attack, does it make an invasion of Syria more comfortable for you, who's telling you that Russia, the country surrounded by US military bases is the bad guy, It's not called t.v. programming for nothing.

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The airport certainly re-opened very quickly, a friend travelled through there the day after the attacks. All she noticed was heightened security,


Has anyone been through Gatwick recently? There could be all kinds of carnage hidden behind all the wooden screens in the N terminal. My guess is that the Turkish authorities could re-open the airport quickly by screening off the affected areas, if the structure wasn't compromised. Forensic examination and clean up could proceed. Ataturk airport T2 has a large check-in hall.

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from a website that states in its heading ..."promoting american interests"

i too, deliberately left out the question mark

here's its mission statement:


The mission of the Middle East Forum is defined in "About the Middle East Forum" on the organization's website as follows:

The Middle East Forum promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats.

The Forum sees the region — with its profusion of dictatorships, radical ideologies, existential conflicts, border disagreements, corruption, political violence, and weapons of mass destruction — as a major source of problems for the United States. Accordingly, we urge bold measures to protect Americans and their allies.

In the Middle East, we focus on ways to defeat radical Islam; work for Palestinian acceptance of Israel; develop strategies to contain Iran; and deal with the great advances of anarchy.
At home, the Forum emphasizes the danger of lawful Islamism; protects the freedoms of anti-Islamist authors, activists, and publishers; and works to improve Middle East studies.

add to that their backing for far right politician nutcase and probable hillsheperd posterboy geert wilders
. i must say i'm a little concerned for you chinahand my lad. i think you may well have become radicalised

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the suicide bomber/willing martyr is not a new thing. we gave out quite a few victoria crosses during both wars for things which could be considered suicide missions. the kamikaze were even respected .up to a point..suicide missions are generally carried out against overwhelming odds as basically an only resort.

we still revere our martyrs too ... i can still remember reading a tribute to colonel "H" Jones.. i say read it... i couldn't avoid it i saw it every day.

it's where humans will be when the machines take over maaaannnn.

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I think making a conscious decision to blow yourself up in an area packed with civilians is a fairly new method, certainly nothing like piloting a bomb with wings into a war ship, at a time of war, we have modern electronics for this now.


Martyrdom is nothing new but in this style it is. The statistics for numbers compared with pre 9/11 speaks for itself.


Although the modern terrorist claims to be against the policies of a government we see only civilian targets. Why kill hundreds of your own kind at an airport or a busy shopping area when government buildings are aplenty and no better guarded.


Always found it odd in the blitz when certain large buildings were unscathed but the working man's housing estate was flattened.

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