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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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Thought we should have a bit of a Mega Thread for the respective leadership races.


For the Tories it seems to be a large field - Boris, May, Gove, Crabb.


For Labour so far just Corbyn and Eagle.


For my money, Boris will probably get it; Gove has brains, but is too Machiavellian for the top job; May will try to be the sensible alternative; while Crabb needs to get name recognition and a strong differentiated voice, unlikely as the race isn't like the last labour election with 3 basic clones and 1 distinctive voice who hence gained all the publicity at the expense of the others.


For Labour, I don't know - Corbyn resonated with the common people last time; I don't know enough about Eagle to be able to speculate whether she'll be able to upset that.


Anyway, we have a leaderless political class swinging in the wind, trying to understand the will of the people.


I can feel a Churchill quote coming on ...


"The multitudes remained plunged in ignorance … and their leaders, seeking their votes, did not dare to undeceive them. The newspapers, after their fashion, reflected and emphasised the prevailing opinions. Few voices were raised to explain … No one in great authority had the wit, ascendancy, or detachment from public folly to declare fundamental, brutal facts to the electorate; nor would anyone have been believed if he had."



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Theresa May looks favourite to me for the Tories. She'd be a good choice.


I think Corbyn's completely lost it and is only being propped up like a ventriloquist's dummy by McDonnell, Livingstone and the hard left cadre who'll fight to the last ditch. Corbyn will be trollied out strapped to a gurney by the men in white coats. An absolute disgrace. Labour will be wiped out if he stays.

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Because I think Corbyn should resign, I've just been told on facebook the Labour Party might not be the party for me.


If I'm too right wing for the modern Labour Party they'll be lucky to win 50 seats next time around.

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Because I think Corbyn should resign, I've just been told on facebook the Labour Party might not be the party for me.


If I'm too right wing for the modern Labour Party they'll be lucky to win 50 seats next time around.



(Can understand their concern. You do come across a bit Maggie Thatcher I have to say. thumbsup.gif )

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