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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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is the system not reliant on those that are disenfranchised with it not voting though? if they are pushed hard enough then his policies will certainly seem a bit more attractive to them than the tory ones for example. of course if he is replaced then the what is nearing a majority of plebs may just go back to watching love island and think "fuck this, whats the point anyway", thus maintaining the status quo

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scares people?


Why say that - isn't the issue electability? Labour MPs think they will be wiped out if Corbyn stays as leader - they aren't scared of him, they think he is electorally damaging.


Electoral mathematics is a very different emotion than being scared.

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he scares the establishment and media. otherwise they wouldn't be trying quite so hard to assasinate his character at every single opportunity. they are doing their absolute utmost to portray him as some scruffy half-wit dreamer and maybe he is but there is just something about their over eagerness, near desperation to do just that, that convinces me something about him really scares them. and i'm guessing that it's not his courdroy trousers

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I like a feisty woman. Much better than a pushover. stuart.gif


True but she struck me as a bit of a harridan. PMQ's traditionally was an be an excuse for being nasty , Corbyn doesn't do personal snide/nasty so I think that Mrs May showed us just what an unpleasant person she really is by being so gratuitously offensive


It's interesting to note that a school friend indicated that she said she was determined to be the first woman PM and was miffed when Maggie beat her to it.


Just sayingflowers.gif


Edit to add ... Has anyone got any idea what china is on about?laugh.png

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its not something that i have read china, like i said, i'm just making it up as i go along. it's just how it seems to me. it's possible corbyn may have some decent points to make about brexit and many other things but it and he are being very much drowned out with an absolute over eagerness from all sides that can only suggest fear to me.

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she seems to have kept dave's scriptwriter at least. and to hear those fucking scumbags hear hearing along and chuckling in the background is pretty fucking disgusting to me. it's not about politics, rightly or wrongly he is a genuine guy, being destroyed by chameleons whose only real emotional feelings will only ever involve themselves


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I will say when you've got the unions claiming it is MI5 doing false flag intimidation of labour MPs and labour MPs claiming Corbyn is responsible for all the misogyny, anti-semitism and bullying in the labour party you know it is time to just pull up the popcorn and marvel at the communal madness engulfing the party.

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Seeing McDonnell on the Marr show yesterday somehow reminded me of the CCP Hundred Flowers Campaign. Behind that reasonable Uncle John persona, there's a wily political operator who I wouldn't trust an inch. If you saw the show you'd have seen him stare down the barrel of the camera to deliver a 'sincere' call for unity that had a lie at the heart of it. I hope this guy never gets anywhere near power because he reminds me too much of a totalitarian dictator's henchman; handing out sweets to the kiddies like a smiling assassin.

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