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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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I cannot believe Boris's cravenness - not even willing to put himself up to be defeated.


He has a large responsibility for the rudderless situation the country has now found itself. He spent months claiming he had the right vision for the country, but now he just goes ... well, someone else can pick up the pieces.


What a total coward.

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I think the reason he's not standing is the Leave camp have just realised he never had a plan for post-Brexit Britain.


I know all political careers end in failure, but the Referendum is turning into the election everybody lost.

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Thought we should have a bit of a Mega Thread for the respective leadership races.



For my money, Boris will probably get it;





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I cannot believe Boris's cravenness - not even willing to put himself up to be defeated.


He has a large responsibility for the rudderless situation the country has now found itself. He spent months claiming he had the right vision for the country, but now he just goes ... well, someone else can pick up the pieces.


What a total coward.

He always had that air about him. I posted just after the result that I didn't like the look of him. Too much like hard work for Boris. He's a playboy and a twat always has been.

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I cannot believe Boris's cravenness - not even willing to put himself up to be defeated.


He has a large responsibility for the rudderless situation the country has now found itself. He spent months claiming he had the right vision for the country, but now he just goes ... well, someone else can pick up the pieces.


What a total coward.

He always had that air about him. I posted just after the result that I didn't like the look of him. Too much like hard work for Boris. He's a playboy and a twat always has been.



Good at talking, not desperately bright. Sales, not R&D.

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I've heard some of his speeches. Good at populist waffling maybe but even there it's style over substance. If you compare some of the simplistic bilge he has come out with recently to the admirable and statesmanlike speech that Cameron made after the Brussels meeting you can see how far short Johnson is of where he needed to be. Opportunist. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall wherever Cameron was when he heard Boris had pulled out.

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The Gover's smart - real smart; and not a plotter either. He won't have many enemies in the Tory backrooms. He just doesn't look like a prime minister though. I'd go for May, and I think she'll get it. She's been a very safe pair of hands as Home Secretary; has the ability and experience, and can walk the walk. Cameron backing the Gover though will carry a lot of weight.

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