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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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He likes a drink and a good cigar does our Ken. Probably been in the Commons Bar for a liquid lunch. I've always enjoyed his contributions on-air and off, and although he's a Tory through and through he nearly always speaks the most sense. I'm looking forward to his autobiography published later this year. He used to do a bit of twitching over here at one time.


Corbyn's really in the bunker now with that washed out video he put out on social media. It's like Hitler's final days and I can imagine the lies he's being fed by McDonnell, Milne and Livingstone as they isolate him from reality. This is what slow political suicide looks like and I'd genuinely worry for his sanity. It's turning from farce into tragedy for Corbyn if it goes on much longer.

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Theresa May's got it already I'd say; although I noticed Andrea Leadsom flashing a bit of skirt today which will pull some of the red-blooded males in the party, who would love another Thatcher figure. Of the five candidates, I'd have gone for May; but in different circumstances I wouldn't have had the referendum and Cameron to resign. Gove's good but he's pissed on his chips and I doubt he'll get another chance. I couldn't quite see him as Prime Minister anyway.

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Pretty much agree with you there SMUJ.


When it comes to Labour Watson has acquitted himself pretty well and I think he's a higher profile than Eagle - his skewering of the Murdochs gladdened the heart of many of lefty!


Corbyn only got the job because it was Buggins' turn - I listen to McDonnell a lot more than Corbyn himself, but I presume no one in the Hard Left Clique will want to put themselves up in his stead. He's better as a martyr and rallying call for the activists - look at the New Labour establishment trying to throw our man out.


The activists are going to wreck the party. It just become a protest party which is no place for a functioning opposition.

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i dont really know to be honest judy. it's just whenever i have spoken to anyone in the past week about corbyn its all very negative about him.. most people i know understand or care very little for politics but they all seem to have this very negative view on the guy. i find that quite interesting for some reason.

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Corbyn's really in the bunker now with that washed out video he put out on social media. It's like Hitler's final days and I can imagine the lies he's being fed by McDonnell, Milne and Livingstone as they isolate him from reality. This is what slow political suicide looks like and I'd genuinely worry for his sanity. It's turning from farce into tragedy for Corbyn if it goes on much longer.

Well I was going to write that that ship sailed a very long time ago, but on reflection I don't believe it was ever even launched.

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frankie has a message. thats why he scares people in power.. like corbyn does

I'm calling bs on that. There's no point in having a message if you can't get it out. So put some numbers around it.


Daily circulation figures:


Sun 1787k

Daily Wail 1590k

Torygraph 472k

Excess 409k


Total 4048k


Grauniad 164k


I suspect it will be a while before the Barclay brothers are even remotely concerned about the witterings of Frankie Boyle....

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