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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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Watching him make a speech in London the other day his avid audience seemed to consist of some ageing hippie types, a group with "nulear power - no thanks" tee shirts, some with Socialist Worker placards that said "We are the 99%" (99% what? one wonders) etc, assorted muslims and a woman with green hair.


He was going on about race hate. What does this man have to say to the traditional and disaffected Labour masses in the provinces? Until Labour work that one out, they might as well stay in bed.

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Leadsom to quit Tory Race.


What the heck is happening in the world at the moment. Has our instant media culture created such an atmosphere that people are undermined before even the first hurdle and hence don't have the courage of their convictions to actually follow through?



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Leadsom to quit Tory Race.


What the heck is happening in the world at the moment. Has our instant media culture created such an atmosphere that people are undermined before even the first hurdle and hence don't have the courage of their convictions to actually follow through?




Her opponents in the Tory Party made the most of quite a minor gaff. Tory's are much more brutal than Labour. It's like the end of Romeo and Juliet in their camp.


Labour have been procrastinating for weeks because they'd really, really, prefer Corbyn to go quietly.

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Part of me thinks that they should leave Corbyn in position and let the left take a real beating at the next election, whenever it's called. Labour will lose the next election anyway and the left haven't learnt the lesson of the 1980's. An absolute pasting at the ballot box is perhaps the only lesson they'll understand.

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Part of me thinks that they should leave Corbyn in position and let the left take a real beating at the next election, whenever it's called. Labour will lose the next election anyway and the left haven't learnt the lesson of the 1980's. An absolute pasting at the ballot box is perhaps the only lesson they'll understand.

When that happens they just tell themselves that the problem is they are not left wing enough. That's how they got to where they are now after the last election with Corbyn making Miliband look like Genghis Khan. They can't bring themselves to accept that the left wing constituency in the UK is far smaller than they have led themselves to believe in their focus groups and on social media. Many working people and even those living on benefits don't share a lot of the liberal left policies espoused by the Corbynistas.

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You're right there Woolley. If Corbyn leads them into the next election and they get hammered, he'll be accused of betrayal and selling out by a new group of true believers in the 'real' left movement, taking Labour further down the rabbit hole of their ideological faith. It's the fate of all hard left movements, from the French Revolution to Stalinism and beyond; the revolution eats itself and it always ends in madness and recrimination.

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