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Labour and Tory Leadership Races


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Whereas the bliar mob it could be argued have prostituted their socialist principles ?flowers.gif

They never had any. Labour was just a vehicle to get Blair into power. He's about as socialist as I am.



Fair point ,flowers.gif

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I have to say it will be madness if Labour doesn't allow Corbyn to stand again. Doing that will enflame the left wing activists who have become so influential in the party.


He and Eagle should make their cases and a democratic decision made.


Then MPs and activists can decide if the party represents their views or not.


But they need to understand the full consequences of that: a serious split - something which wasn't explicit when Corbyn was elected last time.


It is now.


However the election goes, it is going to isolate a significant proportion of the Labour Movement, but that needs to be explicitly done and not hushed up in the backrooms. They need to look into the void and decide which of their principles can be compromised and which not.


There are interesting parallels with the Tories - in their case the cancelling of an election has shown a willingness not to split, while for Labour the holding one is casting the stark reality of what the party faces into a simple choice - a hard left vision of Corbyn, or a soft left vision under Eagle; with neither side seemingly willing, at the moment, to accept the other's victory.


Will either side be able to reunite the party and present a coherent electoral vision in opposition to the Tories?


The country needs it.


The Tories have always been much more ruthless at changing their message. I wonder in a year's time which party will be seen to have realigned themselves better to a Post-Brexit reality.

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In the following what does "potential challengers" mean? Is it 1) "potential challengers for the coming leadership vote" or 2) "potential challengers of the current leader"? If it is the first Corbyn needs to be nominated, the second it would seem not.


Ah the rectification of names is vital for a harmonious society! And it seems lawyers are trusted to do this - ha ha!


ii. Where there is no vacancy, nominations may be sought by potential challengers each year prior to the annual session of Party conference. In this case any nomination must be supported by 20 per cent of the combined Commons members of the PLP and members of the EPLP. Nominations not attaining this threshold shall be null and void.

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I think he should have resigned weeks ago. Now I think he should choose not to stand.


Since he is too selfish to do that, they are going to have to let him stand. Whatever the rules say, even if he does need 51 nominations, they should "lend" him enough nominations to get to 51.


You can't have him denied a place on the ballot and screaming fix from the sidelines. Then we know where we are and the losers can unite behind the winner or leave.

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I think he should have resigned weeks ago. Now I think he should choose not to stand.


Since he is too selfish to do that, they are going to have to let him stand. Whatever the rules say, even if he does need 51 nominations, they should "lend" him enough nominations to get to 51.


You can't have him denied a place on the ballot and screaming fix from the sidelines. Then we know where we are and the losers can unite behind the winner or leave.

Well they could do that now. He won the mandate from the members and the activists think that anyone who doesn't agree with his brand of Labour should find another party, even if they are MPs, and there are moves afoot to deselect them if they don't go of their own accord. Who would then vote for the party is another matter entirely.

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With respect we don't know where we are. Many members and union members voted to give him a chance to prove himself. Well he hasn't, so they'll vote differently.


He had a mandate, he may no longer have that.

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Corbyn received backing from the members of the party , many members have requested him to stay on , if the majority of the members want a new leader then the members should decide .


I'll declare that Corbyn was my MP when I lived in Islington and he was an extremely good constituency MP and is "old Labour" .


The question of whether he is devious/ corrupt enough to be the leader of the bunch of duplicitous MP's lead by Hilary and co is debatable , personally I think he is an honest man who has stuck to his principles and hasn't milked the system ( e.g. see his expense claim ) and many admire him for that .


I don't agree with all his views but I wouldn't trust many of those "career politicians"who are intent on deposing him , given that they stated they supported him (in the case of 'Eagles") one day and 7 days later stabbed him in the back.


flowers.gif Funny old world

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