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NASA Puts Juno Into Jupiter Orbit...


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they can send things to Jupiter but I can't get a mobile phone signal in laxey. mental lol

This is actually a very deep and profound comment. I bet it gets ignored. Mine always do.


Chinahand is an intellectual lightweight who likes to show off how smart he is but but refuses to reply to people smarter than him. x


Ah, bless the attention craving lamb.

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they can send things to Jupiter but I can't get a mobile phone signal in laxey. mental lol

I'm fascinated by both the extensive and intensive uses of money.


The budget for Space Exploration in the US is about 0.14% of GDP, in the EU it is 0.03%. At a per person level - every Yank pays about $54 per year for NASA's space exploration. ESA recieves just less than $6 per person in Europe.


So roughly about one month and a bit's telephone bill is paid by Americans, and 1 week's by Europeans.


This is a huge amount of money, but on a per Capita or % of GDP it is small.


Juno is going to cost in the order of $1 billion in total over the 6 years projected for its life.


Manx Telecom's revenue was £79 million - so 10 times less than Juno's.


The Juno space craft is a really intensive use of money for a very clearly defined purpose. They're investing a huge amount of money to achieve that goal, but that huge amount of money is a drop in the ocean compared to entire economies.


$1 billion over 6 years for 300 million Americans is $0.55 per person per year - say 3 texts from an MT phone to a Sure one.


I wouldn't begrudge the images and science we are learning from Juno for the price of 3 texts, nor would I cancel it to improve reception in Laxey.


But it is a huge amount of money to do something a very long way from most people's concerns.


For me, I'm glad we fund pure sciences and think they have huge pay back into the wider economy as engineers adapt and learn the techniques the scientists have developed and discovered in their labs.


To compare it to the lack of reception in Laxey or only see the military spin offs is to miss the far far bigger picture of the benefits science has given us.


But such is the cynicism MF is notorious for.

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they can send things to Jupiter but I can't get a mobile phone signal in laxey. mental lol

I'm fascinated by both the extensive and intensive uses of money.


The budget for Space Exploration in the US is about 0.14% of GDP, in the EU it is 0.03%. At a per person level - every Yank pays about $54 per year for NASA's space exploration. ESA recieves just less than $6 per person in Europe.


So roughly about one month and a bit's telephone bill is paid by Americans, and 1 week's by Europeans.


This is a huge amount of money, but on a per Capita or % of GDP it is small.


Juno is going to cost in the order of $1 billion in total over the 6 years projected for its life.


Manx Telecom's revenue was £79 million - so 10 times less than Juno's.


The Juno space craft is a really intensive use of money for a very clearly defined purpose. They're investing a huge amount of money to achieve that goal, but that huge amount of money is a drop in the ocean compared to entire economies.


$1 billion over 6 years for 300 million Americans is $0.55 per person per year - say 3 texts from an MT phone to a Sure one.


I wouldn't begrudge the images and science we are learning from Juno for the price of 3 texts, nor would I cancel it to improve reception in Laxey.


But it is a huge amount of money to do something a very long way from most people's concerns.


For me, I'm glad we fund pure sciences and think they have huge pay back into the wider economy as engineers adapt and learn the techniques the scientists have developed and discovered in their labs.


To compare it to the lack of reception in Laxey or only see the military spin offs is to miss the far far bigger picture of the benefits science has given us.


But such is the cynicism MF is notorious for.

it was a joke mate. lighten up

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