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Don't forget there is a Christian Crusade angle in all of this...Bush and Blair are highly religious types.

Who generally take their orders from people orientated towards another religious persuasion.

Could you please be more specific Lxxxx? Rather than speaking in riddles please tell us exactly which non Christian religious "persuasion" you believe is / was giving orders to Mr Blair and Mr Bush. Also - what on earth makes you believe that 'they" somehow have this dramatic group influence?


And, separately, could you give us some evidence to support your odd beliefs?



Lizard people? Wake up sheeple.

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Dear me Twatlock. Do you actually read the bollocks you post up on here?


Your first Torygraph link has the somewhat telling quote about the "source" to wit Mr Burton makes the comments in a book he has written, and which is published this week, called "We Don't Do God" . Errr you don't suppose he's a Blair insider just trying to make a few bob publishing any old bollocks about Blair and could use the free publicity do you....? Surely not!


In your second link the source is "a senior Palestinian politician" and lets face it, if you ever wanted to know about the christian fervour of a US President a Palestinian politician is clearly the way to go....


Your desperation to diss Blair seems to have removed any sense of reasoning and reality you had - assuming you had any to start with that is. Has it also removed the simple fact that Saddam invaded Iran and up to a million Pasdaran fell to his WMD? Oh sorry, that doesn't fit your agenda does it.


Like all zealots you only see what you want to see and disregard the rest.


In the clearing stands....

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The invasion of Iraq made it a whole lot worse and has turned the region into a seething cauldron of barely containable trouble for the world. Does anyone still seriously doubt that, even Blair and Bush? Containment by no-fly zones and UN inspections was an infinitely better policy.

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The invasion of Iraq made it a whole lot worse and has turned the region into a seething cauldron of barely containable trouble for the world. Does anyone still seriously doubt that, even Blair and Bush? Containment by no-fly zones and UN inspections was an infinitely better policy.


Errr I think you'll find the "Arab Spring" and the collapse of countries like Libya sort-of made a fair contribution as well.


I often wonder if the reason Saddam's regime was so incredibly harsh was simply because it was the only way to maintain control.


However the same regime spent $gazillions of petro-dollars on building up it's military capability rather than improving the lot of the people. As part of that they developed WMD and invaded two of their neighbours with great loss of life.


A good life maxim is "If you do nothing to deal with a situation then the only thing that will change is that it will get worse - guaranteed"

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I often wonder if the reason Saddam's regime was so incredibly harsh was simply because it was the only way to maintain control.


Do you really? I often marvel at the naivety of the liberal mind.

It's just "As needs must when the devil drives" - fancy you and Twatlock failing to grasp that simple maxim.


Oh hang on, you were just trying to take a little pop. My my, how precious...

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I often wonder if the reason Saddam's regime was so incredibly harsh was simply because it was the only way to maintain control.

Do you really? I often marvel at the naivety of the liberal mind.

It's just "As needs must when the devil drives" - fancy you and Twatlock failing to grasp that simple maxim.


Oh hang on, you were just trying to take a little pop. My my, how precious...


It was just you wondering about the bleedin' obvious that did it. No doubt if Saddam had made a nightly ritual of kissing all his enemies goodnight and tucking them up warmly all would have been well.

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I often wonder if the reason Saddam's regime was so incredibly harsh was simply because it was the only way to maintain control.

Do you really? I often marvel at the naivety of the liberal mind.

It's just "As needs must when the devil drives" - fancy you and Twatlock failing to grasp that simple maxim.


Oh hang on, you were just trying to take a little pop. My my, how precious...


It was just you wondering about the bleedin' obvious that did it. No doubt if Saddam had made a nightly ritual of kissing all his enemies goodnight and tucking them up warmly all would have been well.



Well, that's the advantage of being liberal-minded. You tend to look at all sides of a situation to come up with a balanced view.


Basically you are not fettered by the dogma of opinionated wankers. Isn't that right Twatlock...?

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Well, that's the advantage of being liberal-minded. You tend to look at all sides of a situation to come up with a balanced view.


Basically you are not fettered by the dogma of opinionated wankers. Isn't that right Twatlock...?


Nor fettered by even a modicum of common sense. There are plenty of liberal opinionated wankers around.

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Well, that's the advantage of being liberal-minded. You tend to look at all sides of a situation to come up with a balanced view.


Basically you are not fettered by the dogma of opinionated wankers. Isn't that right Twatlock...?


Nor fettered by even a modicum of common sense. There are plenty of liberal opinionated wankers around.



When dealing with opinionated people empathy is a far far better approach than being judgemental.


After all, it's simply common sense....

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Empathy? That's hard if someone is repeatedly coming out with diametrically opposed views to your own. When I read and hear a lot of the liberal views we are constantly bombarded with, I usually think it would be great if the world could really be like that, but unfortunately it isn't and never will be.

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Empathy? That's hard if someone is repeatedly coming out with diametrically opposed views to your own. When I read and hear a lot of the liberal views we are constantly bombarded with, I usually think it would be great if the world could really be like that, but unfortunately it isn't and never will be.


Unfortunately - I have to agree! But if someone with diametrically opposed views to your own can put up a sensible case you should at least listen to it.


As to liberal wankers the thought of Nick Turncoat Cleggy taking my vote and giving it to the tories (FFS!) still really rankles. Untrustworthy snake.

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Empathy? That's hard if someone is repeatedly coming out with diametrically opposed views to your own. When I read and hear a lot of the liberal views we are constantly bombarded with, I usually think it would be great if the world could really be like that, but unfortunately it isn't and never will be.


Unfortunately - I have to agree! But if someone with diametrically opposed views to your own can put up a sensible case you should at least listen to it.


As to liberal wankers the thought of Nick Turncoat Cleggy taking my vote and giving it to the tories (FFS!) still really rankles. Untrustworthy snake.


I posted recently that while I have no time for Clegg, I think he did the only thing he could do by forming the one viable coalition on the table to give the UK strong government at a time it desperately needed it. I think he was wrong to disown that government because it did a great deal of good, not least the transformational doubling of tax allowances for the lowest paid and the triple lock on increases for pensioners. It also ringfenced spending on the NHS in the face of the financial calamity it inherited. The tories never get credit for sensible measures from the great unwashed because politcal allegiances are dyed in the wool and the Liberals just got tarred with the same brush.


Clegg's apology was ludicrous because his manifesto commitments were for a Liberal government had he won the election. He didn't. He should have defended his record as the best result achievable as a very junior coalition partner.

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Mind you they also hit the lowest paid hard with rises in vat, a £20bn cut in benefits etc etc


People like me sent their cut-up cards back and the "tuition fees" debacle ensured they were going to get creamed and they did.


Did Paddy Pantsdown ever eat his hat?


Checked and no. They couldn't even keep that promise....

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I often wonder if the reason Saddam's regime was so incredibly harsh was simply because it was the only way to maintain control.

Do you really? I often marvel at the naivety of the liberal mind.

It's just "As needs must when the devil drives" - fancy you and Twatlock failing to grasp that simple maxim.


Oh hang on, you were just trying to take a little pop. My my, how precious...


It was just you wondering about the bleedin' obvious that did it. No doubt if Saddam had made a nightly ritual of kissing all his enemies goodnight and tucking them up warmly all would have been well.



Well, that's the advantage of being liberal-minded. You tend to look at all sides of a situation to come up with a balanced view.


Basically you are not fettered by the dogma of opinionated wankers. Isn't that right Twatlock...?



My experience of liberals is they may give the illusion of looking at all sides but they invariably come back to the same blinkered outlook, as to genuinely consider alternate viewpoints might cause their lovely fluffy world to come crashing down, which would never do.

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