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Chilcott report

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one of the naval commanders round about that time was on channel 4 news earlier. he was instructed to ready minesweepers for it nearly a year before it was even mentioned. there was plenty of forward planning. in this case sort of mystic meg-ish. he was not called to give evidence to the enquiry

p&o ferry which ran on spain, staff on board knew 6 months before that it was going to be taken out of service and used as a troop carrier

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Precisely. The armed forces are an extension of foreign policy by other means...



Correct..."War is the continuation of politics by other means". I think he also coined the phrase "the fog of war". Interesting that he's famous for analyzing/debating the moral and political dimensions of war and comparing/contrasting them. Mr. Blair.

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Could of would of should of brigade will be out in force. Nothing like a lynching to satisfy the blood lust.


......and the could of, would of, should of brigade should have be lynched by the Grammar Police ! thumbsup.gif


As the great man said "Grammar, I dont have time to grammar"

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To me it showed the British military were just not up to the job when it came to being an occupying force

Well surprise surprise it's not what you train for.


You have sort-of more pressing matters to attend to like staying alive and killing the enemy. Thats what the military do. Keeping the peace is up to the politicians and the civilian authorities who were both totally inadequate.


However the likes of Muqtada al-sadr didn't exactly help...

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Just that he also allowed people to needlessly die in order to achieve particular political goals. The kind of actions that with hindsight should ,could, or maybe if you were in charge would of been avoided. These decisions are especially easy to judge and condemn when your sat in an armchair and the biggest decision you face is peas or beans with tea.


If you dont want to die for someone elses political ambition then dont join the army.

Precisely. The armed forces are an extension of foreign policy, and policy is the province of politicians. We all know how honest, reliable, diligent, truthful and well-meaning they are, don't we?



Foreign policy isn't really the province of politicians. Foreign policy is the province of banks, corporations and very wealthy individuals/families. Politicians just do their bidding to have their egos flattered and to hopefully get some crumbs off the top table.

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i predict gerry will be nearer to the actual truth than most on this subject. he will of course be shot down in flames by the pistachio gallery whilst confirmed peanut gallerias like myself on the couple of tiers below try to protect him from those hard shells


Just wait until us lot in the coconut gallery get going.

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