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Chilcott report

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Aye, We should do the same to Churchill then.

There never would have been a Chilcott Report if the outcome of Iraq had been a conventional win like WW2. That's why Blair and co are being castigated ultimately.

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Aye, We should do the same to Churchill then.


1. Churchill was not the PM when the UK and Germany went to war, it was not Churchill's direct choice.


2. The threat from Germany was real, not some fantasy made up to satisfy business interests.

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2. The threat from Germany was real, not some fantasy made up to satisfy business interests.

I opposed and argued hard against the Iraq War. It deeply upset me.


But the regional and therefore global threat was not a "fantasy made up to satisfy business interests". That's a simplistic conspiracy theory. One of the unfortunate outcomes of Iraq has been the way in which conspiracy theory, the belief in imaginary elites in general, has become mainstream - also wrt economics etc.


The only issues* are whether the war was the best way of dealing with the issues of Iraq and whether a policy of appeasement/containment could have achieved a less chaotic outcome. Only future historians will know how this plays out ultimately. My guess is that the war simply brought forward something which was inevitable anyhow.


* ETA: in this context. Clearly in the wider context there are many other issues

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2. The threat from Germany was real, not some fantasy made up to satisfy business interests.

I opposed and argued hard against the Iraq War. It deeply upset me.


But the regional and therefore global threat was not a "fantasy made up to satisfy business interests". That's a simplistic conspiracy theory. One of the unfortunate outcomes of Iraq has been the way in which conspiracy theory, the belief in imaginary elites in general, has become mainstream - also wrt economics etc.


The only issues are whether the war was the best way of dealing with the issues of Iraq and whether a policy of appeasement/containment could have achieved a less chaotic outcome. Only future historians will know how this plays out ultimately. My guess is that the war simply brought forward something which was inevitable anyhow.



Ok, but there was no threat from Iraq against the UK or the US.

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Ok, but there was no threat from Iraq against the UK or the US.

I wouldn't accept that. Many of those who became IS were ex Ba'athists. We simply have no way of knowing what was going to happen had Saddam been left to die a natural death.


Besides which - it's not just about the UK and the US. What about, for example, the strategic interests - and the interests of our important democratic allies - Israel for example? Or those countries which should probably be encouraged back in from the cold - eg Iran.


It's much more complicated than a simple black vs white.


I was against the war. But with hindsight I also now reject some of the reasons why I was against the war.

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corbyn at least apologised to the people of iraq for the hundreds of thousands of civillians killed whilst dave made a firm promise that next time our troops are sent to partake in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands, then that time our boys will have the right kit.


we are all as responsible for a genocide as any german that didnt directly take part

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Ok, but there was no threat from Iraq against the UK or the US.

I wouldn't accept that. Many of those who became IS were ex Ba'athists. We simply have no way of knowing what was going to happen had Saddam been left to die a natural death.


Besides which - it's not just about the UK and the US. What about, for example, the strategic interests - and the interests of our important democratic allies - Israel for example?

they seem to have come through it ok enough under the circumstances
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Saw Blair on the news just now. Thought he was going to cry. Slippery customer.

Oxford graduate y'see...we need to watch Chris Thomas!

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