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How To Attack The Us


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This one just made me laugh:


Some US scientists have analyzed how easy it would be to poison hundreds of thousands of Americans by mixing a toxin into their milk and distributing the white stuff all over the US.


Although the US Gov tried to prevent the article from being published, the white coats decided it's important to publish it as "Terror Prevention" - so important, actually, that it's freely accessible on their website, although usually only subscribers can access this area. So here it is:


Your Guide to an attack on the US


Another bit of credibility down the drain...

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You can tell by the opening line:-

We developed a mathematical model of a cows-to-consumers supply chain associated with a single milk-processing facility that is the victim of a deliberate release of botulinum toxin.


that these people don't get out much :(

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You can tell by the opening line:-
We developed a mathematical model of a cows-to-consumers supply chain associated with a single milk-processing facility that is the victim of a deliberate release of botulinum toxin.


that these people don't get out much :(

I guess that's why they're called "Scientists" - still funny to see the Yanks shooting themselves in the foot again :)


National Security? My a***!


edited for spelling

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