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US Police vs Black People


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In the land of the free things seem to be going from bad to worse. Barely a week goes by without another example of the police shooting another unarmed black person. Last week there were 3, including one man who was already handcuffed and on the ground. As a direct result one man took things too far and shot up a load of police in revenge. And then the police killed him with a robot armed with a pound of C4.


I can't see things getting any better with the seriously devisive and probable racist Trump or cold hearted Hilary about to take on the leadership role.


How does this seemingly insane country continue to dominate the world?

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They dominate because they are a financial super power. Although I think that is perhaps under some strain.


As for the current police situation it is clearly out of control but what do you expect when guns are freely available?


Police have shot and killed over 500 people year to date. That's nearly 20 a week.


It's like the first port of call in any situation is police drawing their weapon. I would be interested to understand the thought process of the officer who shot a man lying on the ground in hand cuffs.

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I suspect his thought process barely went much further than '...black...kill...'

In the (admittedly fairly limited) interaction that I've had with the police in the US, I'd consider it very optimistic to anticipate that thought processes were possible.

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Cops in America kill too many of all colours but the black deaths get the spotlight for a reason, most African Americans get killed by their own kind, this is by design, black lives matters are funded and instigated by George Soros money, it's all designed to start a race war so they can crack down with Marshall law.....it simply should be "all lives matter", the media are doing their very best to spin this racially and the stupid will fall for it. They have planned what is called the "summer of chaos", and this is part of it, I don't think there will be any election, total civil unrest will put a stop to it, they need to stop recruiting sub 90 IQ people as cops.


The irony of America is that they spend trillions on the war against terror, but the cops kill many times more citizens than terrorist do, welcome to the asylum.

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I think the issue is 80 per cent of the American population hold a gun so when they stop someone there is a chance they probably hold a gun maybe they are a bit twitchy and the events in dallas won't have helped. hard to comment on thought process if you haven't been in that situation

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hard to comment on thought process if you haven't been in that situation

Not really. These are supposedly highly trained individuals.

like I say unless you've been involved in a situation where someone has pulled a weapon on you or there's the threat of it it's hard to comment. with hindsight there may be better ways of dealing with it but in that split second a few decision has to be made.


on topic i read that this year there has been more white people shot by usa police than black people. will try and find the link.

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As far as I'm aware Alton Sterling was not handcuffed when police shot him when he was on the ground.


He was, however, on the ground and had two officers on top of him. But - I actually side with the police on this one. (Not familiar enough with the other two recent cases to comment).


I have seen the video of the Alton Sterling killing, I wouldn't call it recommended watching, but it does show why I side with the police. Here is the cliff notes:


Sterling on floor, two officers on him attempting to restrain him.

Sterling reaches for pocket, Officer 1 shouts "He's going for his pocket."

Short pause, Officer 1 shouts "He's got a gun. GUN!"

More efforts to restrain Sterling. Both police bring guns to bear on him.

Officer 2 "If you fucking move, I swear to God"

Sterling reaches towards his pocket again.

Officer 1 "He's going for the gun!"

Two shots fired. Shouting. Three more shots fired.


Reaching for a gun twice whilst being restrained by police is only going to end one way.

Could they have done a better job of restraining him? Possibly. It's hard to say.

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