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'Many dead' as lorry hits crowd in Nice


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Terrorism can be carried out by government, FWIW I'm not surprised many in the middle east hate the governments of the UK/USA etc . If some "B" tries to kill me I don't give a fishes tit what they perceive me to represent It's personal.


The action in the Middle East was not taken in my name.

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Cognitive dissonance

That's intersting. Are you saying that the suspect represents this mental duality - or my post?


Also - and no disrespect - but haven't you previously seemed to justify or excuse certain terrorism whilst condeming other terrorism (haven't you previously defended IRA terrorism as somehow different? When clearly it is the same). Please forgive me if I am wrong about that - perhaps it was another poster.

I don't remember ever posting about the IRA and my views on its motivation and actions are my own. My opinion (no disrespect intended) is that you are indulging in cognitive dissonance, for some reason, to explain away the actions of this terrorist, maybe because, like many other hopefuls, you prefer a more sanitised view and believe that abominations like this have nothing to do with Islam; that his motivation for carrying out this carnage is because he's just mental.


There are a few clues. He was in possession of guns and grenades, who supplied these? He was no lone wolf as far as I'm concerned. Some witnesses have attested to his shouting the mantra, "allahuakbar" (god is greater) whilst firing on, and mowing down, men, women and children in his path. Oh yes, he's definitely mental, as are all those other scripturally-motivated jihadi's intent on murder and mayhem to further their cause.


To suggest otherwise is wrong-headed in my opinion, especially when a couple of weeks ago, the ISIS propaganda machine issued the edict telling its followers to carry out jihad by any means, including using vehicles against the infidels in the same manner as this fucker.


This type of atrocity is all too common and is never going away.


Unless you see a solution?

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All terrorism is either a manifestation of mental illness or else unforgivable Quilp. No ifs or buts. It's not a sliding scale. It makes no difference whether a terrorist murder is political or religious in a democratic society. That is not a sanitised perspective.

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Unfortunately while we are holding candlelit vigils and praying for peace, putting up flags on our Facebook profiles, this lot are laughing at us. They don't want peace, they want to cause as much mayhem as possible.

I don't think we will ever beat terrorism by being meek and going about our business as if nothing has happened.

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Unfortunately while we are holding candlelit vigils and praying for peace, putting up flags on our Facebook profiles, this lot are laughing at us. They don't want peace, they want to cause as much mayhem as possible.

I don't think we will ever beat terrorism by being meek and going about our business as if nothing has happened.


This is such a sad situation and I can't even look at the news without feeling overwhelming sadness. I do agree with you though. The EU is too meek in dealing with this. It needs to be dealt with hard and the people putting up Facebook profiles are wasting their time. They'd be better signing up for the TA or the security services and helping weed out these people and kill them.

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The EU is too meek in dealing with this.

Yeah, with all those troops stationed in other people countries and dropping millions of pounds worth of bombs every month on them...


We should be harder on "them" (who ever "they" are), because that has been working soooo well so far.


Will you be posting a screenie of your application to join the Army?

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Having mental illness and being willing to commit terrorism for a violent brand of Islam aren't mutually exclusive.


Those seeking to radicalize will groom whoever will listen to their hatred, and they will use the Koran and the saying of Mohammed and pictures of blown up children and "heroic" fighters decapitating idolators and fighting back against the crusader and anything else they can to convert people to violence.


Some of the people who accept this ideology will be mentally ill, some will not be, though they may be desensitised to violence through experiencing it themselves - but all will become convinced that their God approves of what they do and will quote you chapter and verse to justify it, seeing themselves as being one part of a long line of Martyrs who have waged violent jihad in the name of Allah.

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We would have one of the largest armed forces in the world if everyone who said things like "boots on the ground" and "we should do something" actually had to join up and fill those boots on the ground and actually do something...


But being a chickenhawk is so much easier and safer.

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