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turkish coup underway


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Well, that was a storm in a teacup, didn't even last the weekend!

It shows the place is on a knife edge, though. Erdogan stands for creeping Islamisation of the secular state. It could again become a deal breaker for the military.

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There were 4 military coups between 1960 and 1998. Each time the excuse offered by the military was to retain the secularism of Mustafa Kemal. Ataturk was hardly a democrat any way. Turkey was a one party state until 1945.

The difference now may be the growth of religious extremism, and the refugee crisis. The military may find control much more difficult this time around.

This marks the end of Turkeys EU membership application. Another out campaign bogeyman claim bites the dust.

Democracy is is what enabled the rise of Islamists there.


Secularism in that country is far more important and it's good the army want to protect that.


The Islamisation of Turkey is a fact and it hasn't bitten any dust. Europe itself is undergoing Islamisation and we're well rid of them and can address the Islamisation in our own country without being bound by EU dictates.

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