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Leece Lodge


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A fitting memorial to these kids would be a care system that would not let children down.  If families can't or won't (and I'm not pointing fingers, but there are people out there who are dreadful) look after their own for whatever reason, then the children should not have to pay the price.





Probably the most sensible post on the whole thread.

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Oh dear. i may well be setting myself up for a rooting here but i too have been more than a bit baffled by the " shrine culture " that seems to have developed over the past 10 or so years. i am convinced that it is mainly media led cos for them it represents news but lately i have seen signs of shrine opportunism.


When we sadly lost a hercules transport over Iraq recently a news crew popped down the road to a RAF base to do a live broadcast. As they set up outside they spotted a lady move up to the base perimeter with some flowers, news opportunity and she was happy to be filmed.

" why were you placing those flowers"

"For the poor lads who were killed"

"did you know any of them"


"do you know anyone who knew them"


I personally think the lady saw her opportunity for her 5 mins of fame. Before they left there was a mini mountain of notes/flowers/cuddly toys which became the main focus of the reports..

I was most exasperated when a shrine appeared for the two girls that Huntley killed, coaches were running to it for fast and convenient viewing, murder pilgrims?


For myself i am saddened when tragedy strikes people i do not know but i retain my grief for my nearest and dearest and keep my grief on a private and personal basis, not for public display or approval.


I dont intend to offend anyone as i realise that grief is personal in depth and aspect, i merely wish to show my view.

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